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Here we are! Here we go


DAMN, ALMOST AT THE END! Started number 31, ll try to finish it all today (might be too long and go as far as tomorow to finish it as i want it to look GOOD (it's the last piece after all))
That done, what next? Well first, taking 2 days off, full. Binge watching Arcane, going to the cinema, going to the city to do some shopping with my betsies, the stuff a modern man do when he have some rest!
That done, WORK! The Mavis CYOA ll be back, then all the patreon reward of October i still owe to the peoples D= THEN (finaly) i'll finish the new icon for the patreon role.
Won't be surprise if i'm not all done this week. But seems it's like 3 or 4 drawing so might be ok. We ll then go back to the usual comm and reward habit of ours for the rest of the month! =)

The Corporate future:

Last time i did the Gobtober, then silence for almost 8 month, then i went back with a gobweek. Now.. i have to admit, those goblin girls kinda get into my skin, so i might want to draw them more often. I mean at least more than 2 times a year XD
So don't be surprise if you see sometimes in a month a "Corporate Goblin" option in the monthly votes.
TBH i tough for a time to just change that, making it a monthly corpo goblin things. Like making their company deal with foreign entity or weird magic case, allowing them to mingle with pop culture characters, anime, cartoon, or even games peoples.
But i know many of you guys like them but ain't that much into them girls. So proposing it to the votes seems the  most equilibrate one! This way if you guys don't want it at all, well, you can just vote for something else ^^

a bit of animation around here

Might do a new animation this month. Something short! For two reason.. first, at the begining of the year i had made a 2021 art Goal.
Here it is:

And did most of them so far. The Comics for myself, we started, ll continue when i get less work on my shoulder XD
But as it is for my pleasure, taking my time with it.
More dynamic pose, i think i tried at least! Goblins... Voila, colour technique, i'm actually quite happy with it, still stuff to make better, but i clearly improved! So, ONE MORE ANIMATION is the last!
i said i would do one for twitter 10k, we're at 9600, so migh happen before the end of the year (maybe)
So decided i'll do a celebration one. Dunno hat it ll be, i think i'll put it to the vote here!
Remember i'm ROOKIE AS FUCK at this, so might be quite.. bad! But at least i will have tried it ^^

That's about it!

Thanks for reading this far

And c ya soon!


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