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Here we are, and here we go!


This past week ain't been super efficient, mostly cause i fucked up my sleep pattern, and ended up wasted most of the past days XD
Also i had to instal the computer i bring home from my brother.. and.. well if you follow the discord, you know what happens. Mostly, CPU was almost dead, tried to save stuff, spend almost 3 days on it, till i give up and reinstal the whole old computer :/
So now, what about? Doing sketches mostly, finishing the monthly rewards, got one to finish, one big that ll start soon, and 2 other still didn't gave me what they wanted =). They need a bit more thinking, so with that knowledge should be able to finish in time! Also started to work on EP2 of mavis CYOA. This one i struggled cause i had an ideas... and when dropped on paper was like "wait.. look like shit!" so i took some more days to think and now i think i got a good one! =)


Opened a vote for the next Gobtober, do i do it or not. For now votes are mostly for the yes, but can change.
TBH it's maybe the last year i can afford to do one, so i personnaly wanna try. But as it would impact the patreon a bit, prefered to ask.
NOTE, i plan to make some of them to be voted! So the 4€+ patreon got something to pick for ^^
Already decided that if i do it i would follow the template Uri_V_art proposed! HERE IT IS if curious
Plan to do an active role to all 3 goblins girls, and flagged a few option that i ll put to vote! Not everyday, but at least one every 3/4 days.
Don't expect anything fancy or comics this year tough. i wanna keep working on comms.. need a new computer after all =D
So plan will be, Sketch on the morning for Gobtober, and comm and patreon work the afternoon. I ll force myself to never spend more than 3h on one of those, so, good exercice for me in perspective!
I dunno if i'll be able to make it to the end... No! I'll make it to the end if i do it! That's the spirit! I'M IN FIRE! =)

Spirit Island;

If you see me playing a strange game called spirit Island on steam don't be surprised!
It's in factone of my fav tabletop board game! And the pc version they did is quite fancy and cool! Like good animation, nice sound effect! And regular updates ! Only problem is no multi for now, but they're working on it right now and promessed to release it before end of the year!
So, what is the game about?
You play the ancestral spirit of an Island in the middle of the pacific. Recently foreigners came to colonize, explore and started to ravage the land.
You must push them back of your land, and possibly before they blight the nature and send you back to oblivion!
The game is a coop one, each player take a spirit, some are based on elements : Protective fire, thunder, river, earth.  Other on a phenomenon : Sea and tide, forest growth. Some more use the native and turn them into a weapon for the spirits against the invaders, or unleash the wrath of the jungle beasts. Their main weakness is awoke in time. As spirits are powerfull but take many season to awake from their slumbers. your power ll grow over time, but the question is, ll it be soon enough to save your island?
Each turn the strangers ravage, build and explore the lands. And you try to counter them, protecting the land, attacking the strangers or trying to scare them out of your realms.
It's a fun game if you're into board games! And i suggest you to take it a look if interested!

That's about it!

thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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