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Hoy di ho!

Let's get started

last week was ok, managed to do 2 comics page advance on a comm and the cyoa so was kinda rad.
But this week ll be short!
Got one big comm i wanna finish and i started the roll call for the monthly reward (starting to Z this time, so if you weren't called so far, don't be surprise) Wanna sketch the first tomorow and advance the colour before wednesday afternoon.
Because wednesday to saturday i'll go to my mom place. No problem, just got to retrieve a new computer. My Brother changed his set up (before he could play Only in "Good" setting at cyberpunk, now it's "Ultra") and gave me his old PC, that he dumped at our mom house for good mesure.
So new pc, mean also new possibilities! =D
Gonna be able to work on bigger size format with less lag ! The dream!
Might also stream when i play on the discord, dunno if you guys would be interested, guess we ll see!
So all to say gonna be back sunday and ll try to do some more work at that moment (using the saturday night to set up the new BEAST)So short week indeed!

The € change:

Just to tell that i'll make all the change i talked about last time, next week! Adding the new roles and all. All details are HERE

Well... i did it!

It's all active now! You should all remain untouched, it's a possibility a mail was sent to you by patreon to tell you i changed my currency (if i read right) and you'll keep paying the old sum you paid so far!
Added also the two new role (note that the Special one is a bit of a test, i'm not sure it ll be effective, i'll keep it a couple of month, and if i see it's not successfull might remove it (ll tell you guys way before so you can make changes or leave the place =) )
Don't hesitate to comment below for any news.

ALSO tell me if there's bug, problems, or patreon fuckin it, it shouldn't, if i understood right everything they said, but we never know!

THanks for the support whatever happen =)
I'll work on all the role pictures next week =)

That's about it
Short but... well quite a lot of news X)

Thanks for the support guys

you are all the best!


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