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Here we are! Here we go!


So, been a weird week last week. At the begining got a lot, like a LOT of administrative stuff to do. Took me almsot 2 days whole, but at least most of it is pushed away. Got another day, the 10 when i'll have to follow a formation that ll take the whole day, then it should be more sporadic and i should be able to work it over the lenght of the month.
And also, in the last  days.. well, i won't lie, Pathfinder wrath of the righteous came out, and ... damn... the game is something! Sucked me in with hook, line and boat!
Annnd... not really proud cause i worked less, and i think i should have finished the Tau comics page, at least the ink part by it.
Still, my fault. And as the Tau comics is pretty much a personal stuff, i'll continue it and take my time to ink it properly, and i think keeping it in B/w. Why? Because i wanna try a long term comics with such style.
But i got commissions i've to do and many waiting for weeks now. So this week i'll prioritize working on some of them, and work on the tau comics ink in the afternoons.
Meaning i should post more wips in the begining of the week and finishing piece a bit later on. First comish is a Dickgirl on Femboy action, then we got 2 pages comics with Ada Wong, Mr X and a licker! Should be able to finish the first in the week, i'll see for the two pages and the Tau comics to be advanced, or done. Then this week end ll start to do monthly reward again.
So, busy week, but not overbusy. i dunno if i'll finish all, but at least i'll advance on stuff!
Might also sketch my char in pathfinder game this week. Wanna draw her a bit  =3
That's all for that part!


I wanna do a bit of Wholesome those days. Like, just drawing of characters chilling and being with peoples they like. I won't lie, been some rough last two month on the moral part, and i guess this need of me is a bit coming from a bit of loneliness X)
I won't stop porn and all, be sure, just... sometimes just a goblin girl cuddling her pet cat seems like everything my heart need XD
So, if in the coming days, while warm up, i do such content, don't be surprised folks X)

The warhammer fandom

Well.. it's no surprise but the warhammer fandom is in a tricky situation right now.
After talking with many of you i noticed how some still like my stuff, but feel a bit less drawn to the warhammer stuff because you feel mixed feeling about GW itself.
Those are things i can relate myself.
Still love the lore, still can and wanna draw stuff about, but.. yeah, atm this need is way weaker than several month ago X)
Maybe why i'm trying to connect with other lores i like too recently. Like LoL, or Pathfinder.
Once again i'll keep doing warhammer X), still got a couple project, comm or not, in the box about it. Including some comics pages!
And the Tau comics is still on !
But, don't be surprise if i start to do more LoL things, or if i start to draw some characters from other stuff too. As i said, this love is complicated right now, so, could be good to see other peoples, remember why i came to it in the first place X)

That's about it... Feeling good.
Those last weeks did short ones, felt not that good, and was hard to communicate. Feeling better, so, kinda easier to reach and find the good word for what i want

Anyway, thanks for the support guys

you're all amazing!
And C ya soon!


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