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Payment change - alternative, LAST message (promise)

  • Change the payment currency 16
  • create new roles 14
  • 2021-08-29
  • —2021-09-05
  • 30 votes
{'title': 'Payment change - alternative, LAST message (promise)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Change the payment currency', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'create new roles', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 5, 16, 40, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 29, 16, 37, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 30}


Yeah, once again about the change, i know.

You start to feel it becoming weird, but recently (yesterday) i discovered Another way to do the thing

i remember, my prospect is to pass the price in €, increase the voters  level ffrom 3$ to 4€ and keep the rest at the same price
I think about creating a 2€ role, that would just offer another role name in the discord and here, but let you give a little more if you wanna help, but can't afford 4€, like a support and a cofee ^^
I thinked about opening a 9€ role, but that's for later

The thing is, so far the plan was, in september, create new roles with the new price, ask you all to change your actual role to the new one, and at the end of the month, delete the old ones.
This way if you want to just quit my patreon instead of following the increase, you can.

Discovered ANOTHER WAY to do it:

 By changing how i want patreon  currency to be for me

From $ to €, this way it would change all my price to € price, and let me ajust the new price too.

Good point, it seems it's automatic.
The thing is : it won't mess with the actual contributor.

 Mean, if you're at 1$ you'll keep paying 1$.. but if ou quit patreon, or change role, and come back later, you'll have to pay the up price. and now pay 1€

So basicly, this method mean, no change for you, you got to do nothing. And only the next future patreon would have to pay the difference
(if i understood right... tbh it say clearly "your current patreon won't be subjected to the change")

My question then is wich of this solution you prefer...

I know, second one mean i won't get an increase in money... but you guys are my first Fan... somehow i think it's only fair that you get this discount, and if you want to pay more, you can always re-pledge to get to the new price, it's up to you

So i'll let you decide, cause at this point it ll impact you all. i'll switch with the majority here.

If you have questions, please ask them in messages, i'll answer and edit this poll with them

So Question is:

What solution would you prefer?

Me changing my payment currency:
No Change for actual contributors, change for future ones, i get no new money out of it, you can still re pledge if you wanna help

Me creating new roles and you switching to them :
You would be all subjected to the new prices, You would have to make a manual change of role, you can quit the patreon if new payment don't suit you or you can't afford.

Both situation are ok for me.
in the first one, it's more a bet for the future, hoping to grow more, and i keep all my first fans, i think it's fair
The second, more money, but i'll loose some of you in the roads, and it kinda get me anxious... less for the money, more cause... well, you know me now, i'm a big lump of love D=>

I'll stop the vote and make the change according to it the 5th September


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