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How do you do? let's start

Well went quite well, i'm a bit late for the beach scene, but it's something i had seen coming, so iut's why i had said "around the 15", so far so good.
Out of that i think i'm slowly getting back to a more healthy work rythm, wich is pleasant!
So this week, continue and finish the beach scene, and work on the patreon reward and a sketch comm.
For the t'au CYOA i got an issue, i know what ll be in  and i already got a few rough of some of the panels, but i dunno how to set the whole page by itself. It's less a hassle and more myself not happy with what i came out with so far. I think i'll force me to do a first rough next week if i didn't picked a good idea, next week. Gotta force myself if i want this to be done!
Sketched some of the new role miniature, think some are cute, so might start to sketch them on computer soon. Don't expect to see a wip this time i would like it to be a surprise =3

Some smut games:

Been talkin of our favorite smutt games on the discord recently. just made me think, if you're a creator of smut game and wanna show me the demo will make a review here about it! =3
Indeed tell me if it's a free demo, i don't want to "pay with exposure". Only if it's already out for the public X)
I'm a cool guy, i don't do bad stuff


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