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Here we are, here we go

Should have finished what i planned to finish for the 15th on time, so, on that part, it's ok. If i keep that i might finish a couple more comm with the patreon reward and CYOA this very month and be able to get open for comm again in September! =D
Just got to stay focus and should be cool

Good day!

Today was a really good day. Don't want to get into detail, but someone close to me in my family had some serious concern about something that could have been a really REALLY bad health problem. She got back from the doctor, and yes she got something, but it's quite benign, and if she ll need some medical care, it's way less worse and problematic as it was supposed to be.
Those last days it had been a sort of concern in the family and had me quite stressed out.. soo.. just good to know she ll get well =3

That's about it. Could writte more, but truth is, i'm sleepy as fuck!
So i'll take my leave and head to bed

Thanks you for readin this far

and c ya soon!


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