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i'm curently gone in my family, so i write this message Saturday!

Last weeks... been slow. And it's clearly my fault.
I've been.. i don't want to say slacking, more... a sort of art block.
When i'm on the draw i draw, i'm in and it's fun... but, it's never 100% what i want it to be, and when i must start it's what "block" me

Like "not sure i'm gonna like this one" so i just don't do it on the end.. wich is stupid, i know.

Anyway, i hope some days of hollyday, not drawing much ll solve that.
it's strange, cause.... the blocking ian't there when i want to draw on paper... maybe it's just the pressure to show people. But i keep sketching on my sketchbook.
I dunno. i'll see then.

anyway see you soon, when i go back i'll finish one sketch, and the CYOA, and 2 full colours!

That say thanks for the support! You guys help a lot and not only on the financial side =3

C ya soon



Taking a holiday is healthy for any job/carrier. It takes a lot of mental energy to draw and or create. Drawing for-yourself and for other people are different types of stresses. A lot of times art block is a combination of stress and exhaustion of the mind. I know at school art teachers and some artist may tell you to push through the block. As a product of that system I can tell you it creates varry unhealthy work habits over time. Every artist is different, do what you can and what is best for you. :3 Hoping you feel better soon.