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Here we are, here we go


This week i'll finish most of the already started work i got  and already half finished, then rough 2 new commissions, and if the gods wills it, finish at least one of it.
i started to gather the details about the patreon reward, so might start this week, or next one. It will depend mostly of how fast i go with the other works.
That's about it. Last week i did draw mostly personal stuff, so focussing on due works seem more logical this time. Time to make some MONEY

Some break ahead:

Just to notice, i don't think i'll go somewhere this summer, but i'll take some days at the end of this month to visit my mother and the rest of my family. Shouldn't take more than half  a week, but still, wanted to note it. Also even if i don't move, i'll certainly take a few days to do stuff with some of my friends. We finally can meet again, so would be stupid not to celebrate a bit!
Just more occasion to gain weight in perspective  =D


Yeah, that's a lot of Salem right now, what happened? Well this week i posted a gif of him, remembered the cat, watched a handfull of episode of Sabrina (the old serie), and then went for hunt of a lot of those.
it's not Halloween, but there's no season to be evil and share the true ruler of the world around! =D

That's about it, not a lot to say thius week, but tbh, it's late, i had forgot to writte the weekly talk and i'm a tiny bit sleepy. So brush teeth and heading to bed!
Thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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