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Hoy, a bit of a side note, i forgot to tell it in the last weekly talk

After a talk and a lil opinion poll on the discord, i decided to open a new 50$ reward next month

There ll be only 2 slot availlable.

What does it cover? You'll have choice between,

 or a 2 char sketch with both chararcter detailled

(like this)

Or something closer to what i did for the goblin week, with one fast colored characters, or intereactin with a BG or a char or two non detailled

like this for exemple

For this time, as it is a test, i won't allow the role to stack the reward. At least at the begining. Over time, if it work fine for everybody, after a couple of month i might allow it.

I do this cause i work fine with the patreon rewards, and it might be interesting, soo, i'll open it the 1st june! and there ll be only 2 Slot availlable at launch!

Thanks for your attention!


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