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Here we are so here we go!

So, got a few reward left, gonna work on this, got a LONG DUE sketch colored, that i'll work on today, including several demon girl and a twisted prick. (but for once the long due is not my fault  =D )
Out of that gotta work on the cyoa, but i'll mostly think about the char design, so don't expect it before this week end. That done gotta work on finishing a thing or two and i think our week is full already!

Femboys everywhere:

So, drew 2 in last days. And i didn't disliked it, it change a bit from my usual, and it's never bad to do something else time to time. So will i draw more in the future? Yes certainly.
Will it be right now? No i don't think so, only got one project in the waiting including one so far.
Will i draw some for myself? This is a possibility, i guess i'll see then if the envy come. This last one elf i drew, i will maybe re-use him in the futur, got an idea or two about it!
That says, don't freak out, my main focus remain drawing stupid shits and boobies X)

Pain in the ass:

Well, not exactly the ass, mostly the Coccyx... with is the scientific name of the tailbone. Ask my doctor, and seems it's mix of lack of walking around and sitting too much. So it's also why i kinda slowed down last week, someday sitting been.. a pain in my ass, sorry to tell it this way X)
it's ok, not a major risk, just a bit of unconfort and pain, it vanished quite quickly, but now i'm quite trying to correct the way i sit and behave in front of the computer X)
Anyway not a big big news, but still, was a funny one i think =)
Don't worry, really, nothing harmfull.... Just somethign big happening down there D=

That s about it!

Thanks for reading this far and c ya soon!


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