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Hoy here we are, new weekly talk, let's jump right in!

Last week was... good, worked my ass off, did the goblin week, that i wanted to do for some times. Was pleasant, and better, advanced well on rewards and sketch comms!
So this week, finishing the rewards, workin on comm i already started!
I'll push back new CYOA beginning to next week, gotta think a bit more about how to make it happen. Got a few ideas, just need to refocus and be sure how to go with it =3
You gotta feel the force of it dude!

The Goblin Week:
So, it's done, was fun.
Question i had quite the day i said it was one week, was "will you do it more in the future?"
Answer is.. i dunno. Do i want to? Oh yes, was fun, do i have time for it? Not at the moment for sure. Even if i could continue stuff on the side, it was quite time consuming!
So what about it?
Well, i linked it to a patreon milestone. if i reach 750$ a month (we can still dream XD ) i think i'll change how the monthly picture works. like, instead of one pic, or a series of it, or a comics, gonna become a full week of one voted char. (so if you wanna see it happen, gotta spread the word about this place ;D )
Well ok, but then does it means that out of that you won't ever do it again?
Not sure. Let's say, if at one point i got A)  The envy, and B) time (be it cause i finished all comm.. or got no one D= ) I might decide to do another one. As it would be personal stuff, i would choose who and what happen, indeed.
I hope it might cover all inquiry about this.. ah no
Can i commission something like it?
Yeah, sure, but that would be a sketch series, or simple color series, mean, you gotta pay for the whole. Maybe i would make a sort of "group" pay, like not counting the side non colored chars, but that would depend of what is proposed i think.

Don't hesitate to ask a specific question if you got one about it!

Total war war-again?!?
Yeah.. each week i speak of it, start to be lame.
But last week there was several reveal about it! And i feel like there's a lot of possibilities for huge sexy pic with those Kislev girls!
But yeah i think of that everytime.
Kinda hope they don't go full PG13 for the Slaneesh realm, i mean, keeping a boobies there and there in a game that show peoples being eaten alive by a bear the size of a building don't seems that horrible!
But you know the thrill, Gun is good, Penis is Evil, Zardoz had it right =D
That and Sean Connery outfit!Never heard of that? Go google it, you'll thank me later!

That's about it!
Thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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