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Hoy here it is here we go!


So, not a bad week last week, worked also on a comic page, that i released the wip of, on the discord. So quite a good week in the work side
This week, i'll continue the shortstack drawing a bit, maybe keeping with Gnarby, maybe using another of my short girls, i'll see. I'll also finish a line for a pic someone else gonna color. And start working on the patreon rewards. Might be a lot of them this month, so better start early. Clock is ticking, so let's go back to work

Confinement end soon?

In my region the number of case is going down, so in the coming weeks restaurant and bars gonna re open. And better, the curfew ll be lifted. Good, cause i miss hanging at night with a few buddy, a beer, some snacks and a game, be it tabletop, cards or anything. As long as we're all here and sharing the moment.
My roomate is a cool dude, spend good time with him, but he is just not the type to come and watch a movie while spending time with a budy. Sooo i kinda miss those moments. I miss going to the cinema, used to do that a LOT, liek going to the movie at least 2 or 3 times a month. Not complaining, i had it cool in the end, and we're all in the same shit. Just glad it seems to finally end
Seems weird to think it s been more than a year now X)
Anyway, good perspective!
Can't wait to party with friends again!

That's about it, not a lot to say honnestly, ll go make some groceries, and get back to draw!

Anyway thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon


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