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Hoy here we are here we go!


A bit less disapointed into last week for once!
This week gonna do Kerillian episode 2, work on the Magnus gurl comm, and if i have time work on a collab pic and start the tyranid plus many gurls show!
Let's make us busy!

the big versus the short

Not talking about shortstack, but mostyl about the problem many artist see. The big picture ain't worth it most of time. Come a time when you start to have a bit of crowd around you, and it's less the quality than the fact it ll trigger that or that audience that is important  :/
Like, last week released a big pic, took me a week of my time to do, was very pleased of it, despite it problems and mistake, aand, it performed well, but not as much as i expected.
On the same side, smaller stuff, get way moar attention for less time.
It's always a problem you got to face in the end. Quality or quantity? There's a small middleground that i try to aim for, hope to reach it.
But i'll keep doing the big pieces too. Don't bring enough attention to be "worth it" on a financial part. But it's just about the fun i got to do it in the end.
Just wanted to share this tough while it was on

the younger dudes

I joke a lot about being an old fart. And if i can for sure feel in my bones that i'm not 100% as efficient as i was 10 years ago (even more when they crack all together each time i bend my back) I don't feel that old.
But recently i was invited by some younger artist to a French artist community. I don't interact much with them, mostly cause, well, been in artist community before, or it blow up cause someone said something and it divided everyone into two clan and start a war
Or it become some old dude micro empire where he just treat everyone like garbage for his own personal satisfaction of having "good artists" as friends
Still, being around, giving some advice on wips, listening to them... and oh boy... that make me feel old XD
Between the remark like "*play this 8 years old song* Oh yeah! remember it! used to play it all time when i was a teen"
or "*hear Gundam seed opening opening in the background chatroom* Yeah my mom is watching an anime of when she was young"
That, make me feel like a grandpa already XD
It's funny also to look at a stuff, make two redline and they all watch you like Jesus. Yeah the level ain't that big, but they seem cute enough for now.

That's about it

Thanks for reading this far, if you still are

and c ya soon!


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