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Well this one gonna be quick D=


not happy AT ALL with myself

i had some good excuses, like a friend dropped by for two 2, unexpected and it took me  a bit away from work, but out of that i've been quite unproductive, and today i didn't advanced so much too  :/
So got late on my planning, and that isn't fun. I almost finished the Raven/superboy one, got a sketch tomorow, one cyborg colored sketch to do, and i'll attack also one big patreon reward.
That's about it! let's move one D=<

Last week been playin a heck of tabletop stuff, not TTRPG, no, games like 7 Wonders. I always like those, got some, good news, my roomate too, and with our buddy crashing in for a couple of days we played a bunch of them.
Could try the Sid Meyer Civilization tabletop game, not bad, but some really weak point too, tough the gestion of tech was really interesting and good!
Also everyone win the same way, by finishing some goal cards that everyone share, so it kinda miss this flavour of "i prefer this type of victory"
Kinda good out of this.
Did my share of Not Alone games too, the thing is a sort of Alien isolation type game. One player play the alien, and there 's location that are symbolized by cards. All "survivors"  got 5 of them, all the same at first, but they can unlock new place as much as the game advance. Each turn, they play a card, keeping it hide, and the monster select a zone he ll creep, if it's a zone a survivor is in, the monster get closer to his goal. Each turn the player get closer to be rescued. So the survivors gotta play the watch, when the monster gotta take what he think they wanna go to (each zone give a bonus to the survivor (the beacon advance their chance to be survived, the Rover allow them to pick a new zone card etc etc)) and can see the card they played till they can pick it up (that is an action that a place can do, or that allow the monster to get closer to his goal)
It's really a mind game, and you often end as the monster doing shit like: "Ok i know you can't go there, and there, and you might wanna go there, but you told yourself "gotta play intelligent" and tough you would got THERE!"
To fail 9/10
But god, you feel really clever when you guessed right!

That's about it! (told you gonna be short) gotta go back to my dinner, then draw a bit before i crash to bed!

Thanks again for one more week of support

and see ya soon!


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