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Hello there


You know those rappers. The one that are like "YOU AIN'T READY BITCH!" each year, and they never release anything?
That was me last week D=<
So, to resume, i had some sleep deprivation period for some days, and it fucked me up quite a lot. I dunno if it's done, but for the last two days i have been able to sleep well, and feel rested right now. So i hope it's ok..
All to say, sorry for lack of content last week D=
So for this week: 1page comic, the 4k for tweeter and HF to do, a sketch commission. That is what i plan to finish. AND if i did all, working on the patreon reward sketch =)
I think if i work steady i might be able to take my vow, and work the last week of January on an animated piece.
We ll see then
Thanks again for your patience D=
I know, i know, lot of artist be like droping 2 pic a month, but for me, not posting for 2 days is not that usual, soo, kinda wanna get back to more healthy sketching.

Persona 4 Golden:

I had play Persona4 many years ago. I had discovered the series with the 3, on ps2, and felt in love. Tough i never finished it. The constant grinding and leveling necessaries were a bit meh for me as a student.
I played the 4th with much pleasure, and loved it very much, but at that time exam hitted me hard, then the hollydays jobs, and i never finished it either.
Later i discovered the 3th extended version, there they added a lot of content, and new chars, and even the possibility to play a female hero! First in the serie.
The 5 was my fav so far, but 1 year ago someone broke in my house, and i was robbed, the ps4 was one of the things taken . Never find time to buy a new one (and to be fair, got more important things to spend my money on!). But still got the game.
So, what are the Shin Megami Tensei Persona (or Persona cause it's not easy on the mouth) games?
The games  propose you to follow japanese teens as they encounter foes. The type of foes and plot change from a game to another. In the third, you're a team of special ability kids taken by a wealthy gentleman to save the world, in the 4th, just teens that try to solve a murder series in their town, as they discover it highly connected to  paranormal events. In the 5th a group of young that discover they can enter someone "mind palace" and steal their "heart" forcing bad and corrupted peoples to admit their guilt (that teacher that he rape his students, that politic that he use his power to force young people that his son dislike to go to prison, etc etc).
The main relation between the games are 1: the gameplay, and 2 the highly psychological bacgroudn of the games.
To resume the gameplay, it's in two phases. At night you can roam into dungeons, defeat monsters using elemental attack of your persona. The combat gameplay is simple to learn, but with deeper knowledge you can really pick strategy and beat OP monsters.
The rest of the time you're a japan teen. You go to highschool, make friends, etc etc, more or less, you live the student life.
And that is important, for the games talk about peoples and link. Your chars can use their persona, the mask we all use in social interractions. The monsters are often nightmarish creatures, that are the echoes of human psyche.
To get stronger, you got to be on the battlefield, but also on the mental, and for that, creating bonds, living an healthy life is important. So the core of the game is here. To become more powerfull, you got to create bonds, social interaction, seek to know peoples. It's quite interesting, and clearly my favorite part of the games.
Also, there's waifus... lot of them.
To be honnest even drew a couple of them for patreon rewards and stuff back then X).

Ayway, one of my fav game series. And i'm glad to be back in the 4th. Even more cause when they do a "extended cut" it's really worth the try. They add chars, change relationships, make new ones, add lot of gameplay, etc etc.  Their ideas is like "our games are long, so let's make sure to change at least 20 or 30% of the story, so peoples have a true reason to get back"
Wich is great, getting pleasure at it =)
note, there's an anime on persona4, so if it made you curious, but don't want to spend 80h on a game, go check it, saw only the 2 first episode but seems ok


Third confinement is kinda treatening us in France. Won't lie, 1 year, 6 month of official confinement policy, kinda get on your nerves X)
It's subttle, but it's tense. Most peoples couldn't sociabilize, won't lie i didn't met any girl in 1 year, and it's kinda long for someone like me, that used to hang out quite a lot XD
I won't talk of the necessity of it, i think that a pandemy ask us to work as a community, and if it mean closing our doors, it's normal. Still, i won't hide the fact that it's taking it toll on everyone's sanity XD
Must not be the only country in total lockdown, must be seen everywhere i'm sure. We all face it. Just needed to get it all out for the moment ^^
Kinda help to point the elephant in the room sometimes.

That's about it, thanks for following me and reading me this far!

C you soon!


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