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Mean 100 weeks since i decided to try to make it a living...

That's .. a lot off time.
So this time a bit different weekly talk.

Let's get back for those, almost 2 years of Darkminou pro lewder


So before all, the patreon was opened in 2014. But i drew for way longer. it's just in 2014 i opened it, as i was a student, to see if i could use it to help me financing other's patreons X)
I was broke, but wanted to be a patreon to some folks, so, open mine, make money to use on others, that was the plan X)

Years passed and in 2016, i resigned of educational board. I spent 2 years slacking, living on unemployment and doing small jobs on the side, even worked in a mcDonald for a time (years 5+ college student in fast food cause no one else care of your diploma, the 18/19 yo there were freaking out XD )
In December 2018, had a bad experience, a truelly bad one, and funny enough, illegal from the employer, but that i discovered later (sort of rule in France is, lot of stuff are illegal to employer, but as lot of employee dunno it, they do it anyway planing on that if the employee don't report in the weeks after they can't anymore, shit system)
And so, i jumped in. So far i never did cause, for me it wasn't worth it, i'm not big enough, good enough or skilled enough to make it a living.
But at this point... i didn't cared

If you got to work for an egocentric asshole, at least be the egocentric asshole

Last 2 years in, number:

In december 2018 there was another role, 50$ month, one full color picture. Only two slots, but honnestly, wasn't worth it.

I mean for me. I take days on a full colors, you noticed it, i like to come back to it, think it a lot, redraw the base 2 to 3 times. Take times. It's also why i opened recently the fast color comm slot. So i can do colors in a more "dirty" mind set. Like "oh come on, dude, just apply it and do with the flow".
Sometimes being fast and messy give result way better than being attentionate, sometimes it's the opposite, both school are good to try times to times.
But those ones, making  a draw for 50 that take me 3 to 4 days... meaning i'm "paid" 12$ a day for it.. make the count, not really worth it.
So at one point i removed it, when both peoples that owned it resigned.

That was a big drop on the number. I Went from 240$/month, to 140$/month

as you can see there

So, i won't lie, the starting wasn't that funky. The first month i launched, i used the patreon a lot to see my popularity. i know, it's nota good sample, but it show you at least some numbers.
And first few month it was only a drop in money in it X)
But well it get back a bit after, and if there's drop here and there, i kept a sort of steady growth.

To be honest, never believed 70 peoples would be in at one point X)

For this, thanks a lot!
i don't think i'll be, ever, one of those HUGE lewd community drawer. Smaller community is good enough for me =)
Thanks you guys for making it possible =3

The future:

To be fair, the last 2 years i mostly worked month to month. Don't really planned the future, paying the rent was good enough. For now it get better, but i don't project me further than a couple month.
I want to keep doing warhammer lewds, but there's also other fandom i would like to draw for. Like R6 babes
But for the most, i try to live in the present. I tend to open a lot of project and not finishing them. like, they seems cool, and once i'm on it.. meh, not so cool. or no one seems to care, so i drop it. i know, not a healthy way to work. That's why i try to stand for one or two project at a time only recently.
I dunno if i ll be able to continue working in the lewds for years and years. I hope so. But internet seems to hate us at the moment. Well... more precisely, seems to want our money, as we make cash, but to push us under the rug, were we look less "dirty"
So, a bit hard to plan a year or 2 ahead, when you're not even sure patreon won't ban porn (and crash because of it) in the next month, on a stupid marketing decision.
So for now, keep doing what i liked for as long as possible, here is my futur plan X)

I want to thanks you all, again.
Some of you are here for years, supporting, giving advice, just sending a message or a like.

Other for shorter period, but giving a lot of energy to the place.
Thanks you all folks!

So before i go, workflow:

i'll start the monthly reward early this december, so there's done before the 15, i won't doing them after this date, so i'll contact everyone for it in the coming days!
With that, finishing what is already in motion! I'll start the next Dungeons episode next week! And that's it! Keeping it vague, also cause, well, wood elves are coming, and we all know i'm gonna spend time bonking them in the game, before bonking them in drawings!

That's about it!

Thanks for reading this far, if you still are

And c ya soon!
