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LoG, for the new peoples here, is a series i used to do earlyer in the year and that i kinda stopped due to lack of time and interest. The principle is this, when i finish a campaign or a run in a game i enjoyed, i propose 1 a brief resume of the game, then of the faction i played, and then of my playtrough, then i propose a vote for peoples, about the campaign.
It's not something i date cause it happen when it happen X)

Well first, the elephant on the room, didn't posted the second episode of the pathfinder series yet. but to be honnest i talked about it several weeks before. i'll maybe be back on the game and finish it, but not for now, and as Lord of Games is a thing i do to relax...

So a little change, now i won't post the drawing when i post next LoG, i'll post it when i do it. Might be the day after, two week later, ll depend of mood, time and such things, as i said, Lords of Games is supposed to be for my fun mostly and make you participate to it, soo.. let's say for once i wanna be a bit egoist.


But you'll still participate, with votes and your messages in discord while i comment the campaign. Maybe one day with a stronger PC i'll start to stream them.. not sure if it happens, but could be fun to try at least.!
So that said, let's start


Game: Total War Warhammer:

In this game you take control of a faction set in the Warhammer universe, and take control of it armies and settlement. Sometimes your campaign is based about an objective, be it collect a certain number of things, or destroy a specific enemy. Some other times about control of the map and specific settlement.
In the game you control first, armies as block, manage your economy, deal with diplomacy. Then in battles, take direct control of the army, give orders to the units and heroes, in real time.

Part 1 : What is Bretonia:

Bretonia is the realm of chivalry and pray the Lady of the Lake. It's said that many centuries before, Gille le Breton, united many braves, in the name of the Lady, and took back his land from the claws of ferocious warbands of orcs and others evil creatures.
Since then Bretonia is a country of Holy knight, protecting the Grail, in the name of the Lady.
You might think that a country of Knights would be quite unarmed in time of steam machine and blackpowder. But their faith is strong... like really strong... Like strong enough that it protect the Bretonian Knights against many danger.. be it the axe of an Orc or a bullet from a musquet.
This is a double edge sword tough, as it rooted the Bretonian society, and made any change really difficult to happen there. The paysants are untrained masses often forced to abandon the fields to go to war with their lords, and clearly unequiped against the horror that plague the Warhammer world.
The knights are the true strengh of a bretonian army, and one of the best heavy cavalry in the whole known world. But their lack of strong infantery can make their defensive lines hard to maintain. Tough, in these ages of Darkness, Bretonia is like a beacon of hope for all humans, and stand at the side of the Empire, it long time ally, against the storm coming from the north.

Be ready, Knights incoming!

Part 2 : My play

It was a shiny morning like any others for King Louen Leoncoeur, ruler of Bretonia! Is country was divided like never before, raiders from the north had been sighted in the Seas around Couronne, the Duchy of the King, and mass warbands of orcs were invading the lands from the mountains, now small troops, but a possible future army if not stoped... Oh and Marienburg, one of the wealthiest city in the world, just at the East of Couronne, had declare war on him.

A Tuesday!

But a busy one. So the King took his swords, buckle his belt, prepared his horse and took a pack of paysant in the local farms, giving them swords, promoting them as troop soldiers, before going to war.

War with the orcs and Marienburg.. Quite at the same time. The city was taken quite quickly, as the King had used some trickery and ambushed the army of Marienburg some days before. That done, and a lady sorceress hired to protect Couronne, he started to take care of the orcs .Now that he possessed the port of Marienburg, the king could pay for a strong army and, with many trained paysants, and Knights from the whole realm.
After a few battle with raiders from the North, he set sails to the frozen lands of Norsca to raze their land, slaughter their children and burn their houses, now that he had executed all the mens, even cutting the throats of the few that were taken prisoners... many things seen as honorable deeds by the Lady of the Lake.

While this happened, his diplomat were working to unite Bretonia, using money, promesses and threat to force back the Duchy one after the other into the nest. So when the King came back from the North, it was to see his country bigger, with more armies ready to destroy the enemies of the Lady... And that's about this moment that the King sent messages to Karl Franz in the Empire, and discovered quite a messy situation.
The Empire was in one of the biggest civil war of it history. Karl Franz holding only 6 to 7 provinces in his grasp, and while he was trying to get his nation back on it feets, Vampire had took control of half it provinces. Worse, as the palladin explored further, it was clear that Kislev, surounded by Skaven in the North and raiders from Norsca had fallen whole. And that now, the undead were taking the ruins one by one, resurecting the many, many victim of the wars in the process.

Two Duchy remained autonomous, but friendly with the King's land. As he set a network of Alliance to protect his southern border with them, and western one with the elves in Ulthuan. He even sent Boemon, one of his duke, with an Ost of many knights to help fight a dark elves invasions. Sadly his army were boarded in the seas by two armies and a black arch of the Druchi. But it wasn't in vain. The casualties he made were so srong, that the High elves could easily take back their lands and slaughter their dark cousins in the process.
In the same times, on the continent, the King's armies were at war with the undead.
After taking back some of the provinces in the close region of Altdorf, the Imperial capital. The King's armies started to take back the lands from the vampires, and the resistance started at this moment to show it presence.
Isabella Von Carstein, attacked but was defeated close to the city of Nuln. Furious, her husband attacked King Louen's Ost to avenge the fall of his wife. But the King defeated him in an epic duel.
One after the other, the armies of Darkness were destroyed, and the Von Carstein sent back to the tomb, but remained Manfred Von Carstein. He had taken the North whole, and as the King himself took the city of Drakenhof, the vampire count capital, he was still strong in the dead kingdom of Kislev.
It took many month to purge them all, and to push back the Skaven and Norscan forces in the north, back into their nest in the following days. But in the end, the last Vampire was destroyed, more or less a week after the Chaos invasions started...

The Chaos forces couldn't choose a WORST day... for them. instead of a week Kislev, they faced mixed forces of Imperial and bretonian armies, strong of many veteran. The empire was strong again, having confederate the rest of it rogue faction. it was now a power only rivalled by Bretonia itself. The Chaos forces were slaughtered. And only  one army remained in the North to prevent more invasion to come. Because even with many of the dark Knight of chaos dead, they still tried over and over to attack.. And be slaughtered in the process one by one

Because the King had received a message from long lost ally. The Dwarf of the Karaz Ankor, and millenial empire under the mountain, were almost extinct, as Grimgor Ironhide, the most brutish and strong orc alive, had united the orcs armies like never before.
The world faced the biggest Waagh of all time, unseen since the time of Sigmar himself, and Louen refused to let that happen. He decided of a crusade on the Greenskin, to destroy this menace for good.
But too late for the Dwarves, sadly. Remained some scattered kingdom of the long beard, but the High King himself had fallen, and almost all the mountain were in the hands of greenskins.

It was a Long war. Slowly, the bretonian forces took back the mountains. Forced to fight in terrain not suitable for horses, many armies prefered to equip Pegasus or Gryphon Knights for those fight.
Not once, not twice, but Three times the King had to fight Grimgor himself, each time sending him back to the depht of earth, but each time the massive orcs find a way to come back with an army.
The war took long, long enough that the kingdom united as one once again, for the first time in centuries. Enough to see many settlement taken from the orcs become strong cities again, populated by dwarves and human alike, creating many industries that powered bretonia's armies.
In the end, after many month of attrition war, the King heard of a meeting of all the strongest orcs leader, in the southern lands. His ost ready, he travelled there, as his dukes pacified the region behind him, and there met the fourth biggest orc bosses. Skarsnik, the gobelin king, Azhag that he had personally pushed away from the mountain in the north many month before, Wurzzagh the profet of their gods, and indeed, once again, Grimgor Ironhide.
The king personally fight them all after the other, sided by his Grail knights. One after the other, the orcs fell over his swords, and the king made their blood rain on the battlefield.

The orcs scattered, without leadership, once again peace was back. The King could set sail again to Couronne.. as i had said.. a busy Tuesday...
It was then time to get back, and celebrate!

Here it is, the vote ll be host soon

Thanks for reading this far!

C ya soon!


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