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Buckle up Buckaroos we're doing another weekly talk


First... Aaaaaaw. Took 4 days of rest last week, felt great. Finished  some comms and patreon rewards, ll keep it this week. Got 2 big project, finish the one page that i ll work on this week, and a big patreon reward including a lot of my second worst enemy, background. This big one ll take some times, cause i intend to work on it bit by bit and make a good looking stuff. Also plan to start workin on the CYOA this week!
Got another commission ffor Julia too, that i'll start doing today and tomorow, but less sexy and more like "could make a magnet of it" type.
That should be enough for the week!

Dungeons lord:

Playin a LOT of Dungeons 3, and god, this little elf girl you play in it, is 100% gonna be in the next CYOA.
The game is silly and fun, and funny enough i had a talk with one of the guy from the team developing it on tweeter. Second time a developper official account come to like my stuff. Or those guys dunno what i do and just like any message, or they do and i got famous peoples jerking on my stuff!
Anyway, to resume the game. You're the EVIL force. You do bad stuff, like chilling with unicorn BBQ steaks  while drinking Tequila Sunrise, the sunrise part being fairy juice (wich one?... depend of who draw it i guess)
All to say, you're chilling, and dying of boredom, when you decide to go ravage the Kingdom of the West, wich are, in a quite ironic fashion, to the east of your land, across the ocean. As you can't really swim, with your big Sauron like armor, and your minions being incompetent at making floatable things, you send your spirit to corrupt an elf and making her your agent of chaos.
The principle is, you build your dungeons of the evil evilness, and send your forces wreak the forces above you, at the surface. Sometimes they ll have mechanics, like sending holy warriors directly in your dungeons, or sending bombs by teleportations.
The game is cool, and i can't stop making big maze of dungeons, full of traps that insta kill the 2/3 of the heroes, before takin the survivor to my succubus and try to make them change their side!
Good game, recomand it! As i type, seems it's free on Epic Game store!

American election:

Don't want to go to politics, just to say it was quite all around the net recently. not even sure it's finished. So a last word of courage for the americans here, cause seems it ll be some rough weeks ahead! Mostly cause one side seems to have won, and the other sayin no, and we stay there.
Hope it won't end in  sort of civil war...
Just to make you know, there's French plot to grab back Louisianne if you start a second civil war, so we can sell it even higher this time!
Now you know!

That's about it, have a good weeks fellow

thanks for reading this far!

C ya soon!


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