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Hey we're getting closer to 100, should prepare something for it


Advanced on commission, tbh the last one i had planned to do last week was delayed a bit cause i had forgot to send the WIP to the client and was waiting for his answer X)
He sent it yesterday, so plan on finishing it today or tomorow.
On the Gobtoberside, it's still pleasant and funny so far, hope to keep it that way, mixing sexy stuff with more stupid and humoristic ones!
I have write the next lord of game already, but it's quite quite big, so wanna do it a second read or twice to eliminate as much problems as i can, i mean, we all know i'll leave a fuckin big amount of it, but let's try to take most of it out.
So for this week, keep the gobtober coming (glad to myself that i kept it so long!) starting the Barbarian level rewards, so please send me a mp with your ideas or to tell me if you keep it this month. I reached for some of you already and waiting for answer.

Conan! What is the best thing in life?

Playin a bunch of Conan Exiles game with friend recently. As i like a lot the books, it's good to be able to walk around the place, and the game really make more senses when playin with friends.
The pleasure of adventures, building your own tiny kingdom, hunting monsters, knocking young beautifull tribal girls, subject them to slavery and pain to break theior will and make them loyal pleasure slave here to dance for your only eyes....
Yes it's a game mechanic, and worse it's the best way to remove corruption.
If one day i would have been told that creating a slavery market would lower corruption in the country, i'm quite sure i wouldn't have believe it.
The game is fun tough, allowing full nudity, and therefore there's a shit tons of lewd mods to add spicy stuff (even enslave fellow players and other bdsm things)
TBH i play vanilla without any sexy enforcement, but mostly cause i play with my brother once again, and well, slashing entire tribes of peoples, womens elders and childrens too before subjecting the survivor to the WHEEL OF PAIN to turn them into slaves is ok, but not showing your big noodle to your bro!
Joking, the game is cool, give it a try if you can. Tough, don't buy the DLC exept if comited, it's just skin for armors and other stuff, don't add any special object out of that

and that's about it, quite short this time

not a lot to say

Thanks a lot more all of you for the support! 

Hope you'll keep enjoying it all!