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Here is  the LoG 9 - first part, based on the game Pathfinder Kingmaker

First, the game resume:

Pathfinder Kingmaker is a RPG. It propose you to play under the rules of the Pathfinder TTRPG ruleset, in a recreation of a famous Adventure path.
In the game you'll create your character, and evolve him/her/it through lvl1 to 20, siding with others characters, making choices, create a kingdom and try to rule it, while going to adventures with your mates.
The whole game is counted by Linzy a Halfling bard girl, who ll write your saga as you live it.

For this LoG i'll take the liberty to make it as it was Linzy, once again, writting our adventures.

LoG Pathfinder: part 1

I met Constance for the first time at Restov, capital of Brevoy, in the manor of lady Jamandi Aldori, the famous Swordlord.
The Lady had called upon the land for adventurers and mercenaries for a simple mission. Tame the Stolen lands at the south of Brevoy, make a stop to the bandit realm that stand there and bring the head of their leader: the Staglord .
After a brief introduction and meeting some strange characters, like Tartuccio, a gnome from Pitax, and Amiri a savage barbarian, i discovered in the crowd this Tiefling.
She wasn't the only one of her kind there, but something in her was special. A gentle voice, able to melt the ice, a michievous but calm gaze.. Everything in her was radiating confidence, strengh, calm and kindness. When i approached her and start to talk, she seems genuinely interested by my books. Never ever did she mocked or questioned me in the long years that followed. If i wanted to come with her, she would gladly let me. And in an instant, the moment i saw her, i knew, i had the hero i wanted for my book.

Maybe is it time to introduce myself, i'm Linzi! Halfling Bard, former student at the bard school of Pitax and adventurers with a mission, writte Constance story!
You see, the problem with biography is that they're written often years or centuries after the death of the people they tell the life. I wanted to spot a hero and make a tell of his or her life, be part of the adventure, and note everything, the good as the bad.
But once i saw Constance.. it was clear she was what i wanted!
A Palladin Tiefling, fighting for good, love and justice! That would make a good story!

This story began this very first night i meet her. As the sun goes down, all of the advanturers that had answer the call went to bed, invited to stay at the manor. Too excited to sleep, i went to Constance room, asking if i could stay and have some discussion... But as i walked in the corridors, i heard the screams. Intruders had launched an attack, and were slaughtering everyone on sight. As i was targeted myself by two of those brutes, Constance appared out of her room, her sword already red of the blood of some thugs. She attacked on the spot as i did my best to help her. Together we saved Tartuccio life, then taking other scattered adventurers we manage to get through the bandit line and  reach for their leader.
The combat were rudes, and many died that night. But in the end we were victorious, and our choices had saved many guards and innocents. As Lady Jamandi was asking what happened,  this little frog of a Gnome, Tartuccio, jumped on the spot and told everyone that us, Constance and I, were traitors that had let the bandit in!
Those accusation were clearly lies and no one seemed to be dupe, but without proof to determine who and if there was a traitor, lady Jamandi sent two group with the remaining adventurers alive, to the south.
One was led by Tartuccio and he took with him Jaethal, an undead elf, and Harrim a dwarf priest. Our own group was composed of myself, Amiri  a barbarian, Valerie a strong warrior and Constance, our leaders.

We travelled south, and met a couple of Innkeeper that were at that point under a racket of a band of thug. After kicking their butt out we made of the inn our base of operation. This very night, Constance told me that she saw a vision of a Nymph, trapped further into the stollen land, and needing our help to stop the Staglord.
To make sure to control the land, the bandit had used an unknow ritual to put a magic fog over the land. Making any travel through the place really difficult for anyone without a map.
For the week that followed we had to explore the place, inch by inch to clear a path into the lands. In our travel we met a slavers guild from the north. They made the mistake to take us for a "valuable acquisition", once we finished the fight, we could free their slaves. Upon them were an half elf Octavia, mischievous magic wielder, and her mate Regongar, a fierce half orc.
At the first sight with Constance, i could feel electricity in the air between those three. Constance wasn't one to shy on her sexuality. She had love to give, and as long as no one was hurt, she gave it in any form she see fit. And i won t lie by sayin that if sex wasn't the type to drive me, any of her little seductive smile could make my blood boil. It was just the effect she gave on peoples.

After several weeks, we find our way to one of the bandit advanced camp. There 2 of the Staglord officers stand agaisnt us. But Constance eased their anger, and could make them talk. They spend sometimes with her, and i dunno what happened, but once done, Akiros and Kressle, a man and a woman, decided to side with us to put an end to the Staglord reign.
Shortly after, a vision off the nymph lead our leader's path to an ancient temple , the temple of the Elk, the seat of the curse that let the fog poison the land. There we met Tristian, a gentle soul, and a priest, one of the best healer i ever saw in my life. once the temple purged, he joined our effort to end the Staglord reign.

But before that, news had come from the North, Tartuccio was the traitor, he worked with the bandit, and it seems he had betrayed his companion. We took the decision to hunt him down to bring him to justice. As we did we were surprised to discovering he had somehow mutated into a Kobold. Now using his magic to make believe the small creatures he was a prophet. He plotted a war between the Kobold and the Mite, a small fey like creatures, of the region. We sided with the Koblod and in the end met Tartuccio once again in the field. There he meet his end from the sword of our mighty leader.

That done we had only one thing to do in the lands, end the Staglord reign. We attacked at dawn, with the help of our new allies. We took down the lord guards one by one, making sure we stayed out of sight. In the end, we came to his manor, in the center of the fort he used as a base.
The Staglord was a massive man, with a giant crown made out of a Stag woods. With an impressive aim he started to fire at us, but without his guards he couldn't stand our might. 

(official kingamker art)

In the end, as he was kneeling front of her, Constance offered him a way out, to meet the justice of a court, and pay for his crime. He answered by stabing himself in the throat.
We cleared the rest of the place. Akiros decided to go to the east, to try to ease the bad he had done by good deed. Kressle to go north, to help the innkeepers the gang had tried to racket. We learned she was the sister of the innkeeper's wife. We wave them goodbye, and went back to Restov, to bring the Crown to Lady Jamandi.
There, as reward, she crowned Constance as new lord of the Stollen land, the baroness of the river.

And I, once again ll keep her side and tell her story.


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