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Hoooy! Welcome for another week report !


 I did most of the stuff i wanted to do last week. This week i'll start by taking a day or two to go see some friends. At first i planned to take a full week or two to go see my family. But sign seems to indicate we could have a new confinement in the country, and i wouldn't want to stay trapped away from my drawing tools for 3 month. So instead i'll just take some days for me, working on stuff for me, or not working and hanging out with friends. but that would be the last week of august. Now it's just a couple of friends dropped by my city and i wanna see them a bit =D
All to say i won't pack this week full! First finishing a certain line and page! Then i got a cute "stamp" comm to do, then do some more of those patreon sketchs rewards. And maybe a few more sketchs of Gnarby to really stop her design, and indeed sketch sister jeanne character sheets. So mostly sketch stuff and a full color one, should be a cool week =)

Lot of games updates:

recently, a lot of my fav games get an update, or a new content added. Frostpunk get it this week, Pathfinder kingmaker a new turn based combat system tomorow, Battle brother get a shiny new update that is quite cool, at least for now i liked it quite a lot. And the first september new CK3 come, and one week after it's the Necromunda one!
My, so many good things, so few times.
For sure i would make the Necromunda and make a Lord of Games about it! I mean, 40k games about punk boys and girls High as fuck and with tons of weapons? What could go wrong?

About the lord of games:

So far most of you seemed to like a lot the Lord of Games series (some don't i know, but it's not like i stopped everything else to make those ones XD). I'm happy with it. i just need to remember i do it for me too X), Like recently i was like "ah i must play this faction in this game cause i told them i would" but, in the end i don't want it to happen like that.
i want to  enjoy a game, and share this enjoyment by proposing some drawing about it.
So i think that in the future, if i fail one LoG because, or i don't feel the will to continue the game, Or just it bores me to death, i'll just make a funny sketch to resume this and pass on the next wonderfull adventure!
After all you get a free lewd vote and sketch in the end so, should be ok too.
I think next time i'll start a pathfinder character. I got several char i wanna create but not sure who, so i would certainly let you vote on it X)
All to say, i must remember that i have to make it a fun experience as much for me as it is for you folks!

That should be all for this time folks!
Remember to stay safe and lookafter yourself, your loved ones, and each others!

C ya soon!


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