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Hello there!

I advanced on my two big recent project last week. They're both close to completition, and for both i had a good news when the commissioner for one, and the team, for the second, gave me an extra delay.
This week i'll continue and finish those two, i've quite advanced the scp and nly need to finish the shading on the eldar and slaneesh one, so i should be able to finish one or both of the project this week. But i'll maybe keep a bit for next week if i wanna do the Egyptian civ6 Lord of game pic, wich i did some sketch on paper. i think i got an idea, maybe i won''t do color on this one, more a complex worked line/sketch, and maybe propose to other peoples to show me their colors. Could be fun for once. Anyway i'll see when i'm at it.

A bit of rest

 As both big project get a delay i'll take today a day of rest, no draw nothing. Just slacking a bit away from the tablet for a Full day... I know it's stupid, but i genuinely feel guilty each time i don't draw at least one stuff in a day. So most of time when i wanna rest i take half a day so at least the morning or afternoon i ll do a bit of work.
All to say i'm a bit wasted. This week end my ex roomate finaly moved his stuff, he did it at the last minute (like literally 6 hours before the owner came for the inspection ) and we had to clean the whole place before the owner came in. He came to move his stuff, but he did with a friend of his, who was a kinda dick,never mate the guy before, he don't know me, and was like saying a lot of stuff like "WOW Your ex roomate don't help us very much to move stuff!" to my own ex roomate, as i was trying to clean everything behind them at full speed. Anyway, new roomate moved in, he won't actualy start to live here before the end of the month, but we moved stuff like the bed and furniture already
So till he moved in for good, i got the whole flat for myself for some weeks. Well.. me and my cat, but you see the picture.
It's just how funny it is that i'm a grown up, and i feel so badly about you guys when i wanna take a day off. I know most of you would be like "it's ok and normal" (and a few others would crack the whip). But i got some difficulties to deal with it myself X)
An artist with anxiety? Whoa! never heard of such things D=

A group project?

We have talked a bi recently on the patreon discord, about Hentai games. Sharing our favorites, what we liked, what we disliked. Etc etc
And ideas how to make a game, a short one popped out, and at one moment i throw the idea to maybe one day make one all together.
It wouldn't be a "new project that wouldd neverbe finished"
More like, decide of a week, and make a sort of one week game jam all together on the patreon. Maybe we would make a full game, maybe only a concept, maybe nothing, or maybe just a thing that work 1 minute . But i kinda like the idea, and some of you seemed quite interested.
So, i know some of you read those weekly talk, and i know that most of the people that do such, are the one that have the most chance to care enough to try such things.
So let's say this, drop a comment to tell me if you would like to participate in such experience one day.
Even if you don't code, if you barelly draw, or if you can't writte anything worth it, it's ok. Would be just a funny things, and in a game building there's so much stuff that any talent, or people could have a duty or stuff to do, believe me, even if you think your talent is worthless or that you miss any.
If you like the idea, and would like to participate, just drop a comment. How, when, how long, what is the game. I dunno, planned nothing, just we had a talk and it stayed on my mind, soo, let's say your reaction to this idea could also motivate me to make it a true event X)

That's about it, 

Thanks for readin this far!

And thanks again, for all of you, for the continuous support! Means a lot!



General Kenobi 🤖