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Howdy Hoe!!


Last week i worked a lot on a BIG piece of comm, that i'll continue this week. I've also been busy IRL, fighting with the flea. i'm winning, but my legs scars are here to proove they fought to the death! Took also a bit of slow down on the monthly reward, but should be able to finish them anyway before the end of the month (so, next week X) )
So this week, 2 deadline, One big Commission about Eldar girls and slaneesh tentacle cookie monster, and the scp project. For now i'm confident, in 3 days i'll be full of redbull and nervous breakdown. X) I won't add more work than that and the reward on my shoulder tough. ll be a BIG week.
You'll see many wips incoming soon!

The Plan B

So, Patreon got some legal problem in California, and they recently started again to ban hammer with the precision of a blind man shooting in a glass palace.
Will it happen to me? i dunno
Will the site go bankrupt due to massive amount of legal issues due to some of their policy? I dunno
All i know is that i don't like to wait  for bad things to happen without doing anything. So i created a Suscribstar.
There's nothing there, i won't start a patreon AND a suscribstar campaign at same time, and i prefer patreon for the service the site produce. I won't lie i like the site, if i'm salty it's just that it was a place that was sex worked friendly several years before, where, as long as your content was legal, you were ok to try stuff. Now it seems that puritanism lurk in the shadow and dunno when it ll for good take reign over the place.
If it happen i won't be surprise to see a Tumblr vol2 happen

BUT, the subject is, i created THIS SUSCRIBSTAR.
Don't go and pledge, don't share it for now, there's nothing there and won't till this patreon stay. Let's just say, copy the link, keep it hot somewhere, if something happen here, we ll continue there! (if you wanna, indeed, follow me there)
Thanks for your attention!
That was the famous plan B

Next CYOA:

To continue on a more joyfull note.
In august, as i ddid for the guard girl, i'll open a new CYOA based of one of the previous monthly pic. This time, it'll be a CYOA of SISTER JEANNE vs the WAAAAGH
Just teasing, but i think many ll like the news ;D

new formula:

Also i might propose soon a YCH stuff or two. Mostly to see if there's a public for it. It would be an enclosed thing only for you patreons! If it work it might expand in the future. If not, well , no hard feeling

That's about it!

Thanks for reading this far! If you're indeed still doin it

And c ya soon!
