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This campaign took place in Warhammer fantasy world The game was Total war warhammer 2

The faction was the Cult of Pleasure. Before all a quick resume of the game, and an introduction to the faction.

The game:

The game is a tactical and strategy game. It split in two major gameplay. on the campaign map you manage your faction cities, deal with diplomacy, built armies, move them etc etc. the whole being played in turn, each faction playin in specific orders, the player being the first of each turn to play In Battle you take control directly of your unit and play in real time. You gotta organize your battle line and take specific care and account of each unit specificity.

The Faction:

The faction follow Morathi.. Let's make a bit of Lore first. 

In dawn of time a portal opened to the realms of chaos, as the Ancient leaved the world. Coming out of it, the demon started to roam around the planet, destroying all in her path. The elf then were artist, singer, poets, the cultural guys. They never wage war or used swords, so the demon just sent some of them to carnage, rape, pillage, the usual bad guy stuff, while most of their forces started a massive attack on the big guns, the lizardmen. But one elf was a big deal Aenarion.
To date, he is still known as the strongest heroes the world of warhammer ever saw. In one occasion he duelled between the avatar of the 4 chaos gods themselves, all 4 versus him and his dragon, and won!
His wife had been killed by demon, his children were presumed dead too, and  then he had nothing left in life but vengeance! So he took the sword of khaine, the god of murder, and became the strongest being in the universe. But in the process, tainted his soul with the mark of Khaine, cursing his bloodline.
And this is where Morathi appear. At this time she was already seen as the most beautifull woman alive. She was abducted by Slaneesh demons (god of nsfw and weird kinky shit) and Aenarion rescued her. They fall in love and she gave him a son, Malekith.
Their royal court was one of decadence, plot and murder. But they truelly loved each others, and more than nothing she loved her young son. When Aenarion died, helping to seal the demons away from the lands of Ulthuan, she wanted to see her son crowned as new Phoenix King. But it was decided another would have the crown, because the line of Aenarion was now tainted by the mark of Khaine.
She created a cult, dedicated to slaneesh and pleasure, in secret, and became the first sorceress to use Dark magic, and the first furry of Khaine, the god of Murder. And when her son started what would become the elven civil war, she was there. When he was mortaly wounded, she took care of him for decades. She teach him magic, and many ways to murder his ennemy. And over and over, she ploted, to be sure her son would have the crown he deserved.

When the game begin, her son have casted her away, one of the many plot she had orchestrated didn't turned well and he banished her for some years to teach her a lesson. But she won't just sit on a southern throne, she would rise again! And show him and the world, that no one should underestimate her powers.


 Game mechanics for the dark elves work around slavery. The more slaves you got the more your income. Knowing the subject of slavery is touchy, and just to remember it's a game, based on a fantasy universe and not a true depiction of the act.  But to be sure patreon don't ban this discussion just because slavery talk is a bad thing, i'll call the slaves Patrons and work as if the money came from pledge in the coming resume. Thanks for attention 

The resume:

Morathi started as a new influencer when her son banned her away from his house. Instaling herself in a cottage, close to Lustria, the antique city of Quintex, she started her first InstaGrom account. At first she just posted some vlog of her entertaining with her new druchi neighboors. Some were old rivals from her prom days, but all their rivality were soon past things and they reaction to her first content posting made her create her patreon page!

instaGrom famous app icon

They all quickly became her first patron! Their 100% consensual pledge fuelling her in enough money to pay a staff to help her evolve from a simple influencer to a real brand, ready to conquer the world!
But Competition is rude on the interweb of magic, so if she wanted to become the most known elve in the Magicvision she had to get rid of it quickly!
Already Tyranoc, a minor gold crafting and chariot builder famous on YouPaunch, sent waves after waves of Haters on her, after she had said in a vlog that their product were clearly inferior craft stuff. Indeed Morathi vanquished all those haters, by help of her many moderators and staff, and soon a large amount of them fell in love with her content and became active patrons themselves! 

Then the Nagarythe channel, owned by Alith Anar, the shadow king, a famous urbex video maker, attacked her too, after that a series of exploration vlog she did that became the new trend. Sending his community to dick her account profiles, while directly attacking her himself on the media.
This battle was an hard one, as he had a strong community, and the help of many other massive creators on Ulthuan who all wanted to take down Morathi.
After creating her company, she sent other new content creators, including some sexy street magicians girls, and strong former Free Fight warior girls, creating their own fan army. All of that indeed powered by the founding of her overgrowing patreon.
The floods of contant haters sent by her opponents, over and over being transformed into new patrons!
Soon she reached 10k followers on her Quintex site, and she had 3 full army of high tier followers, including the now world known Shades rank. The type of shy guys who seems discrete, but with words accuracy that could destroy entire armies.

An aggressive takeover took place over Tyranoc assets and most of Alith Anar favorite Urbex places would be legally taken by her group. Seeing that the other high elves faction created a massive confederation, led by Tyrion, another big influencer. Tyrion and his fellows sent lawyers after lawyers, haters and communities action to take down her company. Several legal battle happened, but the might and the smile of Morathi made sure that everyone that faced her, soon became a new patron of her!
This battle fought over the right to use the word Ulthuan was a massive copyright case that took several turn to see a winner. But in the end, the taking of Asuryan and Khaine shrine, in the name of Aenarion, Mortahi deceased husband, as part of his heritage, was a major point to proove the legitimacy for Morathi to use Ulthuan as a part of her Brand. Tyrion and his friends had wasted so many of their strengh in it, and so many of their former fans were now Morathi's patreon (now over 30k!) that they couldn't really act when she used the very money she get from their attack to take the rest of the big donut (Ulthuan nickname) for her.

All seemed bright to her.. but she heard the news, her son had died. Eaten alive by ratmen in the north.
The Drucchi instalation was under a massive vermine invasion, and the whole country was more or less controled by rat. only Hellebron, a former rival, that soon accepted to  confederate with Morathi's company, survived the horrible event.
As the local authority seemed unable to act, Morathi made a powerfull statement on a live on SNitch, the famous video game platform, against the Skaven. She was Friend with some of them inthe East, but those on the North had visibly turned feral, and had to be put down, sadly. The famous scientist, and ratmen himself Ikit Claw, showed many fact and proof that agreed with that, and so Morathi, her followers, and many of the other influencer, maker, and creators of content, who worked under her "Cult of pleasure" brand went north to help end the flood of bad skavens.
Taking cities after cities from the end of the ratmen, they started to rebuild the fallen monument of elven culture, such as the famous Slave trad.. Patron market of Karond Kar.
The Druchi made a lot, LOT of new patreons, even in the rank of the ratmen they had "saved" from the desease that had made them wild!

Ikkit claw a trustable man of science

While the personal former  home of Morathi was  rebuilt, at Grond, and Malekith mourned as it should have. The Cult of Pleasure decided to create a series of Worldwide concert in support of the many victims of this event.

Sadly humans nations, such as Bretonia and the Empire of Karl Franz, had agreed on a massive BAN over Druchii music, saying that those concert where just porn fashion show, corrupting the youth of their nation!

Most of content creators, some of them now equiped with new black dragon ride, went first to Bretonia, using some Vampirates friends  accreditation to open hostility on bretonian soil only. Giving first a massive concert at Couronne, hosted by Morathi herselves. Then one by one, all of the cities of Bretonia surendered to the fame of the group.. but now, was time for the empire to join the show!
Karl Franz used many legal action, like an Artillery barrage over the fans of Morathi. And in the process, many creators in both sides saw their activity shutdown, their account banned forever, as if they had died! Some even saw their patreon shut down with no explanation, as it happen time to time for no reasons.

But Morathi's brand was the most powerfull, and with over 75k patrons powering her success, all from many races that had cross her path over time, and the work on rebuilding Naggaroth to it former glory, finally done. It was a truth for everyone that her brand WAS the number 1 in the world.
And that, even if other creators still remained Mortahi had won the war!

Post resume:

Dark elves are fun to play, but hard too. They got good units, but their twist is that they re not excellent anywhere. They got good light and  heavy cav, but other faction get clearly better one. Their elite troop are ok, but their High elves equivalant are far better, etc etc.
That said, their shades, once juiced up with techs and the good perks on the general, become massive war machine, able to take armies all by themselves.
Magic is strong too, and their lord in endgame can beat almost anyone. Hellebron is for exemple, a monster once properly buffed.
I won't lie, what helped me the most with Morathi, is that at one moment as i was on defensive and taking armies after armies to amass my "patrons" ;D one of those fuckers had the sword of Khaine, and morathi took it. It helped me a lot and i took down tyranic, Caledor, and several armies of tyrion with it. My black arch helped a lot too, raiding and amassing money and new Fans for Morathi's patreon.

Dark elves were fun, but i reached quite quickly this moment when you got 70k income per turn, and 20 armies with full tier 4 to 5 units and you roll on the world. Attacking the order tide, the massive alliance of mens dwarves and anything good, is not that EASY tough, cause morathi need chaors corruption in the lands she make her cities. So it force you to remain at least a bit static or keep force behind to avoid too many rebellions, the time the building that bring hapiness in the local land are built.
but in the end, i fast passed the last 4 turn to make the final building that would grant me victory. Was a loooong but fun game. And i'm surprise i had not to do a restart. but god, Morathi's start is not so easy one, even more in higher difficulties when the computer spam armies like nothing.

Anyway, next game ll be shadowrun Honk Kong! My first RPG in this serie!

I'll host the vote for this serie episode in the coming hours!

Thanks for reading me that far. And don't hesitate to leave a comment, it 's always a pleasure to hear your opinion on my content


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