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And i finished the 6th lord of games. TBH was quite surprised, cause once again was not planning to end the game before a day or two, but around the end, i won and unlocked 3 different buff for the victory i wanted to claim, and all combines made me won in less than 15 turn.
So, it's a bit criptic there, so what am i talking about?

The game:

Sid Meier's Civilization 6, is a game that propose you to take control of a civilization, from the birth of agriculture, in 4000 bc, and the first settlement of your civilization, through the maze of history, war against other culture, and finally your possible victory against the others civilizations.
The gameplay is quite simple. You manage your cities, and unit, turn after turn. At first you only have one city and one unit of warrior, through the ages and discovery, of technology or culture, you'll unlock new type of unit, building, upgrades, government, policy etc etc. The game complixify over time as you unlock the things one by one. Soon you have range unit, equiped of slingers, then you discover metalurgy and you have to build metal mine to equip your warriors with new steel weapons, etc etc.
The game propose several way to win a game. You can access a military victory as you destroy civilizations or capture opponents capital. Scientific victory, when you send the first spatial colony, Cultural one, when your culture overcome every other and blend difference between you and them. Religious, if your religion take over the world, Political if you can be elected world leader over the course of game, etc etc.

For this game i took over Cleopatra and the Egyptian civilization, and decided early on to go to a cultural victory.

But here is the history of egypt.

The  Resume:

Our archeologist discovered the first trace of Egyptian settlement, around 4000 Before Horus. It seems that the discovery of Agriculture made the ancient nomadic tribes, settled themselve in the arms of the  Bahr Yussef  river, and founded the root of the great city of Râ-Kedet (strangely renamed Alexandria in some report of the Dutch and Hungarian report of the antiquity). At the south of the great city, lay the vast Sinai Ocean, and at it North, the Red hill Mountains.
Quickly, over the time of the Antiquity, the civilization spread it border, colonizing several settlement at the North and south of the capital, and once all possible place taken, expanding to the west. From all those settlement several cities emerged, some still standing today, as the great scientific center of Iwnw or the highly industrious Nekhen, built at the feet of the Mount Asama Volcano, in the nest of the Lybian desert.
It's around this period that between barbarian raiders, and some citi state, that our leaders encountered the first population dense enough to be called civilizations.3 of them seemed to populate the continent at that time. The japanese at North, The Hungarian at West, and the Dutch of the East..
First exchange by our caravans, built the root of  modern trades route still used today.
It is when Egypt arrived at what we call now the "Classic Era" that we lived our first golden age

Through this period, our ancestors built their first wonder, and theaters.It is also at that period, that Great writter like Homer or Qu Yuan made their masterpieces, still learned in class today.
But over decades, our leaders, started to become lazy, and our society turned the back to other civilization, sure of our greatness we let the world take some speed on us. We expanded our frontier further south, till we reached and crossed the Great Sande Sea and reached the  austral land of the continent. The expansion stopped there, when our neighboor of the power military empire of the Ungarian and their never ending  cavalry unit, wage war on our lands.
All of those factor turned our middle age period, in a dark age. Seeing many declaration of war and several consecutive Barbarian invasion cripple our frontier.
But it's also in those dark times that the strengh of Egyptian bow made a name in the entire world, as our Archer took down the Hungarian riders, over and over and over again. Protecting our population for centuries.
Still today, some of our regiment use name like "the tears of Horus" or "Seth's rain" in honor for those ancient marksman.

It's during the Reign of Hotep the thrid, that the ancient autocracy was taken down and that our first unified Kingdom get birthed. Under her reign, a new heroic age came, seeing us counter attacking on the Hungarian invasion. Not by use of weapons tough, but by the use of our traders, culture, and technological wonder. One by one, marveled by our offering, the border cities of the Hungarian confederation turned their back to their former leaders and joined the great egyptian kingdom.
Tough it's the discovery of black powder and it deadly use that put a stop on those Hungarian invasions for good.
This secret was a gift made to us by our Japanese friend. Like us they had suffered many times  the brutality of Hungarian riders. That alliance, birth in pain, lead both our culture to seek, over ages, to get closer. And explain why the population of our both countries are so merged together today.

Over the decades that followed our scientist and artist made discovery after discovery. And the wonders of ancient time now shouldered with the wonder of modern era.
The discovery of Coal properties and it usage in 1625 by well known savant Abubakar Kimura, that powered our civilization into the age of machine. Our land were soon covered in railroad, making travel and trade even faster and efficient. With that also, the first case of Tourism, still today the first  economy of the country, happened.

picture of one of the first Train engine still in one piece today.

The cost of such technological wonder is sadly easy to seen, as half of the city of Akhmim now lay 1m bellow sea, as the polution started the event that bringed to the melting of the north and south pole in the early 20th century.
If now more than half of our energy is powered by wind or solar energy, at that time, the lack of oil in our land didn't allowed our cities to evolve from coal produced energy, enchancing further the polution.

Still, this time is also the birth of the radio and television, and the first step of aviation. All those tech discovery made the other continent discover our culture, and the vast  depht of our artistic  heritage. Painter, musician, writter, sculpter, architect. The world was amazed by all the marvel of our cities. Now a fully founctionable republic, our lead powers always dictate the building of industrious area far from city centers. So the beauty of our street remain untamed by the smog of coil.

And it's in 1968 , at the olympic game of Râ-Kedet, that our numerous medails, and the flow of tourist saw our culture widly accepted and spread over the globe, and that now, today, 100% of the world population speak egyptian, and whatever their religious or county are, revear the name of the ancestors, and of Mythic queen Cleopatra Philopator, first ruler of Egypt.

Supposed posthumous portrait of queen Cleopatra


here is the re enaction of Egypt history, i'll soon proposed  a vote about this event, certainly tomorow, as there was already a vote posted today.

Hope you enjoyed this, and  if you want to leave a comment to give me your advice about it, feel free to!

c ya soon

EDIT: Rewarked some text, and remade some way of speak, i hope it make the text more digest


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