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I made some test on the auto color tool in Paint studio. There's potential, it will definetly not replace your coloring way, but it sort of pastel/watercolor effect does give some interesting result.

i think i'll use it for some sketch in the coming days, maybe on the patreon reward one, as it don't take much time to do.

To resume you got 2 methods to use it. 

first ou selet a layer as "guide" and you just ask the computer to fill color. it ll generate based on the layer and what the computer would see fit. it can be surprisingly accurate on color for humans, and i tell myself their software must be kinda good to do so.

The second way is quite the same, expt you fill a second layer with color in some places, like nothing precise, more "a batch of yello in hair place a white fair skinish color tone etc etc" and ask to fill it based on that. I did this method for this picture of theta. 

I don't think it could be used in too complex stuff, but it can do the trick



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