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hello again! yes some news of the serie!

First ill give a little introduction to the game, then talk of the empire, and later release a vote! i remember the pic ll be only a sketch!

The game: The game this time is Stellaris! The principle is quite simple. You play a civilisation after it discovered FTL travel. The force of the game is in the diversity of the situation and the high replayability. You can do most of the classic SF things, space lizard war hungry, federation builder xenophile, Fanatic purifier for the greater good of their empire, overzaelous space crusader. Create psy type tech, or becoming a synthetic form of life. Starting as a hive mind devourer, or a Synth empire seeking new life form to take and keep in their "zoo".
The game is also fulled of event, crisis, and anomaly to explore. From trace of past galaxy wide empire, to enigmatic leviathan life form.
As you start some empire is at your level, other still in one planet, almost reaching middle age, other are old fallen empire, owning and defending with ferocity and ultra high tech shop their borders.
Here is the game our adventure ll take place

The Dendrophilic Empire:

The Space elves of the dendrophilic empire were a civilisation that didn't belong in their first world. Their civilization awoken in a half destroyed ring world. They didn't knew who had built this for them, or why, just that an old civilization of Hive mind three people lived here at one point, the Baol!
Early in their history, the Citizen of the Space elves knew there was other life form out there! A species with a ratio of 70% of  female, with a high sex drive. Was it possible someone had created them to be the perfect fuck brothel material? Whatever, like scripted in their dna was the will, no, the NEED to seek and breed with other foreign and bizare species.
As the few remnant of The Baol was their only clue about what to find upthere, they named themselves, the Dendrophilic Empire.
Their civilization took an highly scientific approach to the problem of seeking new species to mate with, and soon they  reach the FTL tech level and could start to expand their dominion.

Less than 10 year after their debut, they had met not 1 but 3 empire, one Hive mind birdish, quite suspicious against those new one mind one body creature, the Yehn Collective, a slave owner type empire quite antagonistic, the Jakly Kingdom, and their first friend among the stars, the Empire of Uskal Opeshal. A lizard species, of peacefull scientist, but with a doomed world, whom core was about to explode in the next 20 years to come.
Driven by their good mind, and not at all only cause the Lizard were a 1 sex 2 cock egg laying anatomy type, using other species as incubator. The Space Elves  helped at their best with their new friends, providing space for all of those whom wanted to emigrate to their new worlds, and tech echange to help the remnant trapped in the collapsing world.
In the end many of them died, but many were saved. but the empire was weakened, and close was the frontier of the Larongo Star Hunter. A Hate filled race of Fanatic purifier.

Many years passed with the ghost of war lurking over the shoulder of the 2 friend empire. Soon they were joined in their cooperative pacts by the Coalition of Gor. An empire of intelligent Rocks peoples. They reproduced by merging the bio electrical signal of two creatures and merging it in another rock of their native world, to make a new life appear. They were pacifist and pious peoples, and if in some part their view and the one of the Dendrophile elves were opposed, they thrived in the coexistance with the others.
Less than 50 years after  the first ship of the Dendrophilic empire had reach another solar system, they had succeed in creating a first  federation in the galaxy, the Free breeding Pact was born

A Scientific federation, born in the hope to find the key to understand the stars themselves.

The known space at this point in time

Year 2272 of the spatial calendar saw the  creation of the first technique to interbreed between Xenos species, leading the Space Elves to completition of their long dream

Year 2284 saw the Yehn Collective coming and asking to be under the protectorate of the Dendrophile Empire, joining the Federation in the same way.

Year 2286 is the birth of the galactic senate. A Galaxy wide society of nations, voting law and trying to cooperate on a diplomatic way isntead by raging war among each others

Year 2290 been the year when the federation united to bring down the slave trades of the Jakly Kingdom. Forcing those barbarian way to disapear for good! In the decade that followed, the once ennemy became a friend, under new rule of peacefull and loving way among creatures of different races, and joined the Federation

In year 2317, the first conscient IA was born. immediatly equal right and responsibility was given to the new synthetic life form, and they merged into the society quite well. Soon we could saw couple of synthetic and biologic living their live, in sexually helathy and free spirit, as the dendrophile way was.

2340 saw the restauration of 2 of the 3 remaining part of the native ring world of the Empire. The last one was sadly beyond repair, as eon ago a giant telluric trapped planet had crashed into this segment, and was since trapped in the gravitic well of the ring, impossible to move without risking the whole ring integrity.

2346 saw a sphere of Dyson, and a Mater decompressor built within the Empire frontier. The first would transform a whole star into a gigantic battery to serve the empire. The second would suck matter out of a supermassive blackhole to fuel the empire future project in megastructure.

2352 a news been heard.. In the wild lands of the galaxy western border, between the war hungry horde of the Barbarian raiders that lived and pred among stars, a Khan was born. He united the many legions of the war lords, and had started a war among the star, a war to make anyone else bend the knee to the new Khan.
He sent diplomat, covered in the skull of the new vainquished ennemy; former leader of western empires and kingdom, that now all served under the Khan banner.
The dendrophile accepted the diplomatic envoy, they listened with all their courtoisy as they were now the leader of the three head diplomatic institution that now lead the galactic senate.
And when the Khan Herault ordered them all to kneel. The Empress stand high and strong. Giving only one warning to the furious horde. The  Dendrophile were a peacefull kind. But exept the fallen empire, no one could reach even a fraction of their tech level. So far they had kept a small fleet, mostly to fight pirate among their space. But if the Khan wanted a war to burn the sky, he would have it...

This is how the War of the Khan started...

And this is the end of part 1

Wanted to try a new different way to present it, i hope you like it! The vote for the next picture ll be hosted in the coming minute after this article release.

I hope you liked it, and if you have read so far, thanks for your time and interest!


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