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Crap. i tough it would take more time, but i finished another one

But i know Why it was so short. I'll explain, first, for those who dunno the game:

TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER 2 (yes, again)

In the game, there's 2 map availlable; the Vortex, and mortal Empire. The vortex is a map based around Ulthuan (the Atlantide of Warhammer world) and the 3 continent that are the equivalant of our Africa, north and south america. It features more scenarised campaign, with often, cinematics, many campaign scenarized battle, etc etc.
The other, MORTAL EMPIRE, is the mix of the vortex map, and the one of the first game in the franchise. It covers from the North region of Norsca (Viking of Chaos) to the Jungle of South America. With the whole old world (europa to russia) and many many more.

The Vortex campaign is WAY shorter, in size, and opponents possible, so it was logic that my campaign end so fast :/

But a thing said is a thing said, this one count!

just in the future, if i redo other with total war, i won't count it if it's not a Mortal Empire one!

So this time i Played Repanse de Lyoness, totaly not Jeanne of Arc.


Repanse, was born a paysant. Shouldn't be so bad, but she was also born in Bretonia. In a world where orcs come from mountains, dragon fly in the sky, and the closest neighbour use SteamTanks, you could think that a feodal society, of strong nobility and weak paysant wouldn't stand long.. But the bretonian got one of the few 100% LOYALGOOD gods in the Warhammer, the Lady of the lake.

They pray her, and they grant them magic shield, if you were born with magic, she take you to her realm, and when you come back you've became a fuckin baddass wielding magic like a pro. If you were a paragon of chivalry, you can drink at the grail, and become a sort of medieval Captain America, able to self heal and quasi immortal.
So Bretonia is quite a safe place, there's some orcs in the mountain, a few undead, and Norsca raiders on the norht, but exept that, it's a quite safe place to live.
Plus they all speak French, so it's certainly the best place to live in the world.

But Repanse don't live there anymore... TBH she was born centuries before the game, and is assumed to be dead at this point of history, in the game world indeed. But Seems she was to stubborn to die.
The lady of the lake speak to Repanse. When she was a teen, she told her to go steal a horse a sword and a banner, and go to fight the Chaos warrior that were pillaging the land. Seeing a young frail girl go to fight, many fleeing knight kicked themselved in the butt and followed her to battle. They won against the dark gods followers, and she was autorized to keep the stolen goods, as she was seemingly really protected by the lady of the lake.. Good for her, cause noble hang paysants for less than that in Bretonia.


 art from Muhut 

In the campaign, Repanse went to crusade with her still stolen sword, the tapestry she use as a banner, and Henry the massive, a palladin so buffed that he make all horses he mount look like shetland ponies.
Campaign this time directed against undead. You start in the desert, surounded by old mummies, and deadly assassin rat men. The begining wasn't super easy. You can't take too many paysants out of their fields, cause the entire economy is an agriculture one, and you risk bankrucy if you do so. And the knight cost a fuckin arms in upkeep. Thankfullly, the  begining went well. I rolled over the local undead, then over the local ratmen, then over he local mummies. That's when things get interesting. 

First, i had to kick Sethra's butt. He is like the first human king in history.. or the first everyone cared about to writte his name. And he got with him, strong armies, and giant construct scorpion, made of stone and Soul powered... What could go wrong by attacking the dude?

But Repanse used the Big thinking, and quickly discovered that fire make dry bones and tissues quite uncomfortable. Sethra ran on my strongest armies with his own, and the battle was hard at this point of the game, but once one, he had no more strong force, and i blietzcrieg him before he could get back. With no more local ennemies, time was come to see what was needed to win this game.

To win the campaign i needed to raise my chivalry level to 2000 , knowing a battle raise from 10 to 15 max (in case a good victory, less if it's a pirhyc one), and seeing that after the last Egyptian lookalike skeletton was kicked back into his pyramid, i had only 500; you understand i needed a ressource i had not so far: Ennemies.
As i was thinking to attack the Prince Imrik, a High elves coming to africa to hunt rare species of dragon for his pokedex, he was almost wiped out by Skavens. And those one knew how to wear armors and use machineguns. The perfect ennemies!

Plus they obviously got sick moves!

The battle was LONG. Skaven ain't hard, they're annoying. Always playin dirty tricks and scheme. You wanna attack this city? AHA They release the plague in it, infecting your armies. You Charge this unit? AHA SURPRISE there's machineguns in the Tall grass. I won't lie, i took a great pleasure, once i unlocked Griphons knights (knight mounting griphons, cause horses is so 2019) to fly over the walls of their stronghold, and wipe all those crying bitches.

At this point, Maleus Darkblade appeared.. he is... let's say chief Emo in chief (yes i said chief 2 times, it's how cringe he is). He got the whole set. Daddy issues, killed his GF but she was evil now, possessed by a demon, the whole set i tell you.
I kicked his ass so hard at first battle that he confederate with the dark elve leader, Malekith.
At this point, Dark elves became my strongest ennemies AND my first income of chivalry. And it wasn't Easy. They have a lot of lance peoples, strong magic, dragons, and good monsters.. And a lot of half naked sorceress too.

Muhut did it again 

I had now 2 strong faction, the Skavens of clan Mors, and the Dark elves to fight, good for me, they were both at south of my position, so exept and army or two that came from the Nothern kingdom of naggarond, most menace came from south. One front is easyer than 3!

I hunted them till all the ratmen been slaughtered in their holes, and till i had drawn the last elven babies into the seas of their parents blood... Chivalry stuff. i Mean if you ransom them, you loose chivalry, and ou got bonus when you raze their settlement and execute prisoners.. Not so Loyal good in the end...

At this point, the High elves came whining cause Malekith was kicking their asses in the north. So i built boats, put my horses in it, and set sails to Ulthuan, half taken by the Dark elves.
i won't lie, i had many loss, Malekith is kinda Warhammer dark vador, and he is quite powerfull. so it wasn't easy to win. but in the end i finished to clean Ulthuan, +/- at the moment i reached 2k chivalry.

It was time for the final battle. Me, a bunch of allies the IA would gave me, against all the 4 Tomb king leader, coming one after the other... Exept it was the endgame, Repanse army was full of Elite forces, and veteran of many many battle, all last level, or quite close to be. Sayin i slaughtered them would be an understatement.
I bring 900 guys to this battle, paysants and noble alike. They took 4k including, skeletons, momies, giant snake mounted by ancient knights, construct that fire lasers, giant scorpions, etc etc.... and in the end they all.. well they were alredy dead, let's say, they all crumbled.
And i had lost 74 people in total. yes.. not that impressive for the last stand of the Tomb Kings.

And that's how it was done. Bretonia was fun to play, not my fav faction, but a funny one to play for sure!
Next time, i dunno if it would be another total war game, or another. I'll see then!

Vote ll spawn soon!


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