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Just finished a total war warhammer 2campaign with the dwarves of Karak Kadrin....

But what does it means? Let me explain it to you!
BUT, If you know it, and aren't interested, the vote option are here! 

Karak Kadrin Is a Dwarven Karak, a fortress if you prefer. But not like any other Karak. This one is the city that host the Altar of Grimnir, the Slayer god. When a dwarf do something bad, or is ashamed beyond any way to get better (like if he break an oath, or discover an ancester broke a oath, or get his beard shave against his will... yes lot of way) he can decide to take the Slayer Oath. He then got to die in battle. He must go and seek powerfull ennemy, and die trying to succed in killing them. They start as Troll Slayer, cause it's a powerfull ennemy, and there's few chance only that a dwarf can solo kill one.
When they're lucky.. or unlucky, depend your way to see it, they survive several trolls, and go to seekbigger ennemy, like Giants. Then it's Dragons, then Demon, and  at this point if you're still alive you're quite fucked, cause it means there's really few other things able to kill you in battle.
So i Played as Ungrim iron hand, the SlayerKing. Long ago one of his ancester took the slayer oath, but as he was a King, he couldn't go alone and seek death, because of his King oath. The shame would stay, and since then, any king of Karak kadrin must take the slayer oath.

here is the beast (official GW artwork)

So in my campaign, i started by kicking all orcs and Skaven i could find, and before i noticed, i owned almost all mountains in the west regions. At the moment to go east, i noticed that Vampire had took over the land of men, and that only  a handfull of empire region where still standing. I took my axe, powered the canon, and went to kill those bloodsucker in flames!
The Vampire were good, they owned more than 30 provinces, and i had to send 4 armies to take care of them, as the rest dealt with the remain of the skaven empires in the south.
The leaders of the Vampire were Vlad and Isabella von Carstein. he is a cunning brute and she is a Lascivious and deadly beauty. They could spawn armies after armies, so i took for myself to feed my allies. I attacked and raze their cities on border with human faction, who quickly claimed the still hot remnant as i walked away. It took me like 1/3 of the entire campaign to do so, but in the end i finally ended those vampire and their undead legions. Burying for good the vampiress

 That done, the Chaos attacked in the north, Archaon, the Everchosen, hero of the 4 Chaos gods, lead several armies of the champions of the ruin to the south land. At first i wanted to spawn kill them.... but the skaven of the north, at war with me. Too weak to attack my armies, released a plague on my forces, Killing hundreds of my mens, and forcing me to retreat south to not loose my armies remaining. After several turn my men get better and i could resume the attack. It's one of my Thane that personaly ended the reign of Archaon with a clean axe shot. After that i hunted down the remnant of the chaos force, till all of them been killed, and the portal of darness to the north, closed for good.

One of the dark gods follower (by Muhut)

That done, to win my campaign, all i had to do was to finish the Goblin tribes in the mountain at the center of the continent. After several hunt i managed to get them all, while the rest of my forces bringed death and punishment along the followers of the dark gods in the North, the fierce tribe of Norsca.
At this time i had unlocked all techs in my tech threes, and i came to them with Gyrocopter and Flame canon (+/- Helicopter and canon that fire napalm bomb.. vietnam intensifies).
And that's how it ended, when i use liter and liter of napalm, to burn to the ground all the Norsca forces, before occupying their lands, and literally DROWN them into Dwarf Beer to be sure they keep a high moral and don't revolt!

One of the local, once again by Muhut (seriously go chek his work)

And that resume this long term campaign with the dwarves!

Thanks if you had read so far, sorry for all the mispealing and issues with the text, i hope it wasn't TOO MUCH .

Thanks you all for your attention, and you can find the Vote here