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So for pic 5, as i'm right now finishing to clean the line of Pic 4 of the monthly pics, i submitted a first vote, to choose!

I'll up a second vote soon, now  we re at the point where we choose the guard girl that ll have fun with a demon.

So this time There's a vote about WICH DEMON, but while it's happening, EVERYONE can submit proposition for the guargirl!

I'll use the one with the Tau picture, but you can also, if you want, propose other girls, Just comment below, with a link to your reference. If there's more than 5 i'll pic my favs between them

Question: Only guard girls?

Let's say that i'll pick any imperial that is not a sister of battle!

Question : Can i submit more than one girl?

Yes, but please then do it in separated comments for clarity

Question:  How many time this thread stay open?

As long as the other vote is on, so 1 week 

Here it is, i hope a lot of you ll participate, it's kinda an experiment, if it went well, it might happen again =)



Magos Gridlock

Might as well propose that you go for one of the Mordian Iron Guard https://1d4chan.org/images/7/7e/Mordian_Guardswoman.jpg

Connor Peterson

Roll up on that Escher Gang https://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Necromunda-Escher-Gang-2017


would havve loved, but, wanted to keep the whole "guard" trend in the end. But i'll keep her in mind for the next monthly ! =D