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As an artist it's.. hard to focus on number. They can lie, they can mislead you. You can built yourself a cage with the number of followers.

Young i had at one point a huge crowd of follower with my first blog, mostly cause i was friend with quite famous and talented peoples. And was the begining of blogging then (in the dark age of 2005/2006). Then i quit and destroyed it all, cause of Trolls, and my own insecurity and young spirit.

Now i want to make it a living. For now it work, can't promise it ll forever, i'm not the only one to weight in this "decision".

But i saw this today, just the increase in number of follower of this patreon in one year.
Some come for help, some for the reward. I dunno if it's worth it, it's not up to me, but to you, if you like or if what i propose is enough in your own eyes.
All i do is tryin to do my best with my ressources.
And thanks you.

IF you just came to a quick fap but even gave me 1 $ to have a quicker access: Thanks you!

If you came to support me because you want to see me grow : Thanks you

And (most of you i know) if you came cause i'm a sexy god of Swag incarnate : Thanks you too!

Just, if that's only for a month, or if you stopped paying, or if you ll for years, no matter what. You joined. And it's less the money, than the fact you did that move me now =)

You're one of the strongest reason i keep doin it! (the others one is for the Slaneesh invocation, and cause i won't accept to be "good" only to be "better and better" in my own eyes)

So thanks you all =3


ps: for the question, yees i drink a lot tonight

pps: but i still think it
