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Hello there


last week was.. meh. I worked and finished stuff, but i kinda slacked a bit. Mostly cause i had trouble to sleep and some allergy that made my eyes wet and painfull all week XD. Well i still drew a lot of sketches, but still didn't meet my expectation.
This week then gotta finish what i started as wip last week, and at least one comission done. Starting the patreon sketches, and should be enough for the week.
It's first day of end of confinement in France, so i may try to see some friends over the week, and don't want to push myself to much then  =).
I mean, we all know i'll be like "FREEEDOM!!" for 2 days then reality and patrons ll get me back to work

Mother's day

Funny i tough how some date are different. For exemple it's american mother's day, and therefor EVERYONE in the world celebrate it, but in France it's the 7 june. So always kinda bug me out when i wake up and see 100 mother's day celebration, and i'm like "DANG! i missed it?" But no, it's just not MY mother's day.
Is this also a father's day for the american btw? Or does everyone forgot their daddy?

Total war furry road

New Greenskin rework on total war, with Immortan jo... Grom the Paunch (AKA Paunchy) coming as new legendary lord. He is fat, he is ruthless, he is kinda stupid (he is a gob after all) and he wanna 1v1 a high lord elf on a Gryphon.... RIP i guess. But in the coming, means lot of pillage, that means lot of elfs, ork and goblins action coming... if you follow my tough ;D
So don't be surprise if in this monthly picture vote there's a lot of GREEN action

and that's about it!

remember to kiss your mom, (exept if she's dead, cause it's not healthy to kiss corpses) wear a mask and take care of yourself!

C ya soon!


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