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Whoa already? impressive


Last week was kinda ok, no big pieces but i advanced in most personal project i got, so i guss it's ok. For tower, yes still no spicy stuff for now, but once we did the first assets be sure i'll add the first tits of the story! =D
For those who fear that this project might take too much time and i would step other my patreon duty, fear not D=. IF we go as far as doing the first demo and open a patreon for the game, the idea is that the game would (if successfull) replace my commissions. So i would still keep my patreon active and work the rest of the time in the game. But those are big IF. XD So it's more hope and plan than actual official stuff that ll happen soon.

SO for this week, Hive sister 4, already started the line, should be finish tuesday morning tops, last page of takan twins (that ll take some days) and i wanted to finish the pic of Gnome from tower. (yes he got no name for now) that said i'll also maybe start sketching the one page comics about Elf archer that i need to do as patreon sketch. YES, i know was supposed to be a gang bang, but, i had this idea, it fit the char, it's fun to draw, and there's a full page comics about an elf addict to gobos jeez! Be happy! D=<

Battlefleet GOTHIC:

Bought the game, and i won't lie, it's kinda not easy at first to get it right, but once you understand some basics it start to do it magic =)...
Still struggle, but well, should get well in the long term.
For those who dunno what i'm talking about, Battlefleet Gothic is a game about Spaceship and fleet management and combat in W40k universe.
It's kinda cool, got it default, but there's randome rules that pop in combat to force you to change tactics, and it can be quite fun. Imagining as a commander and send a droppods of Space marines directly into the guts of a giant hive ship tyranids to cut it from the inside kinda give me good memories of Gears of war 2 =D
Anyway kinda spending too much time on it already, but give me ideas too, and well, we all know YOU like when i got ideas about 40k isn't it ? ;D

Body sketchin:

Recently been working a lot about how i build my bodies in drawing. Tryin to do something more realist, and keeping the somehow stylized part of my style. All to say if in the near future you see me test try and draw different type of bodies, it's normal.
I ll also try to sketch more muscular body, not that it give me hard on.... i mean.. i'm not so much on the man of the Pillar..... (who am i kindin, EVERYONE is hot for those 3 GODS!)
But mostyl to learn a bit more about muscle placement. Once you know them well you're better at drawin the shades on skin, cause you know what move under.
Anyway if you see some wamr up and sketch about glorious male tities in intense flex, you know why D=<

That's about it! Thanks for reading this far, if you still do!
Thanks again for your support, and c ya soon!


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