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69, what an erotic number ;D

For those who are new, welcome, each week i do a lil weekly speech, First telling what i plan to do this week, then just talking about life and stuff.


Last week did all i said, exept not in the order i had planned, finished a comm and the monthly pic about gothy and nerdy, started a collab with sparrow, but i wanted a bit of the week end for Me time. Enjoying a bit of slacking sunday ^^
So this week? I'll work on personal stuff till Friday this time! Including, a work for a Youtube vid (i talk of it just below), finishing the sparrow pic, and working on the TOWER project. What is the tower project? Well it's a project i do with another friend.. Ok let's say it, it's a H Game project. Hold on dudes, it's the EARLY EARLY part, doing designs, discussing what we want in, making the base of the code. For now it's all that it is, a Project, i ll keep droping the things i do for it around here. I'll talk more of it as a Game when we ll have the skeleton of a demo to share X)
After those Me project, i'll start to work on episode 4 of the Hive sisters CYOA!
That's a busy week, i hope i'll do half i want to do in X)

the Youtube vid:

 For this vid i got to do a design for a project related to the french SCP branch. I know some of the guys whom are admin there and they wanted to celebrate anniversary with a big Youtube video (that ll be in French sadly, but still i'll post what i do for it, promise ^^). This ll be SFW... but as it is SCP related, you know there will certainly be some horrors elements. Anyway there's a team of other artist, and since it seems i'm the "best" of them (their words) i'm in charge of designing some stuff, and doing some art.
It's all i'll say for now =)

Chimera Squad:

Recently i started to play the xcom game, Chimera squad. It's a sort of sequel of the last game in the serie, a "what happen now that you've kicked alien asses?"
Well the answer is, you learn to live with the one still on earth and you rebuild society.
It's less a "let's protect earth more a "police squad simulator".
It's enjoyable, but me and lor of people kinda noticed that difficulty is.. well kinda weird. Like you're fighting common goons and SUDDENLY HERE IS 6DEATH ROBOT!
kinda weird. Also another change, your chars are all named, have personality etc etc. The snake girl got a lot of furry fan, i already saw a bunch of lewds with her. I won't jump on this train... but there's this cute asian medic chick that could use a coleague to play doctor ;D
Anyway, good game, and short one seems, so no fear that i'll spend 10 days on it this time  =D

That's about it, i wish you all a nice day, and thanks again for the support!

C ya



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