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happy second day in the quarantine folks!

So let's jump in


I got only one more sketch to do for the month rewards, and one of you paid an expense to see it colored (also saw some flaw i might correct before i start the color.
Finished the Hive sister line, the color ll take a hella of time too i think X)
So, finish the sketch ans the color and the hive sister is my week goal. Should be something i can do!


Maybe you dunno, but France been on lock down, and ll stay for a couple of week at least. Most food and tobaco place are still open (wich i understand, tell a smoker he is in forced to stop for two week and not going out for two week is best way for a violent death).
But we can still go out, but we have to print a laissé passer, and fill it under one of the reason we go there. If we don't have the paper OR no decent reason (like buy food, go to the doctor, get a physical activity) you can have a quite severe penalty!
Well Stellaris new DLC is out, and i now have a 4 people team on R6siege... plus doom get out in two days. Seems like the best timeline to be in quarantine.
Still when i went to groceries store sunday, in prevision of the lock down, i repressed a quick cough for an hour in fear people in the street might just hang me out of fear D=

Horror Theme:

Recently i started planning about doin some Horror themed tabletop rpg with friends of mine. And... seems i'm good at such things.
I mean, i already did in the past and people told me that yes, i'm good at putting an horror/tensed mood in the game as i speak with a deep (natural) voice.
The reason why is simple.... i'm a uckin pussy! No like really! I'm easy affraid, can't watch an horror movie alone/in the dark, and scream easy when someone walk into my vision field unnoticed.
So.. i just have to get what frighten me and make sure to share the mood.
Like i said to a friend, the fear is there, when you turn to see if there's a monster behind you. You know it is not real, that there's nothing there. But the moment, between you start the movement of your head, and  when you finaly see above your shoulder. That brief instant... there, the monster is real. There is the fear. All the catch, is to make sure all your player froze in the moment.

That's about it!

Thanks you for your support, again, one more week!
Migt open a vote soon, just to ask wich was your fav pic of 2020 so far. Just tryin to see what you guys prefer to see me draw =)

C ya soon!



o.o France is on top of this here in the US we are Not in lock down I feel like I am the crazy one, everyone just going about there days as usually. My father in law got back from Italy with symptoms and wants to have us come visit....


well, the virus ain't that bad when you're young and healthy. It become a serious problem for older or younger peoples, and the one already with pulmonary centered desease. Also it can be easy mistaken for a flu. Anyway i'm not in your family, or in your country, just try to stay safe, and take care of yourself and your loved ones at your best =)


will do I am staying safe at home.