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Hooy a bit earlyer today! I take a train and go for a week +/- this afternoon, so weekly talk is now!


Was my worst week in the last 6 month in terms of work i think X)
For those who don't know, it's my birthday tomorow, so my family made a plan to make me travel to them i take the train in a couple of hours. But before i had several things to do irl, regarding of stuff as deal with the insurance (because of a recent robbery in my house :/) and i had 2 friends birthday to attend too XD.
So i started like 2 or 3 pics, and finished nothing, all is in various state of WIPS and it kinda buzz me off :/
Anyway, i'll be back certainly saturday or sunday, so when i do i'll finish the slave parking pic, and keep working on the Hive sisters episode 3 and that's all i can promess! Second week of March i'll work on a comic page commission and try to do several patreon sketch i owe from March  reward.
Sorry again for not a lot of lewds those last days =/
So to appologize, here is some sexy family friendly ass

The adeptus mechanicus send it regards

I started to play at the game Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus, and how did i never heard of it before? It's awesome and super addictive. It's turn based combat, look like x-com, but don't play at all like it, it's kinda hard too. Remember more of a darkest dungeon and X-com child raised in the 40k universe.
The story is really cool, and the sound... fuck... the OST is really cool! Like some gothic stuff, but with industrial and electronic adds that fit the universe, and it's awesome!
If you can, give it a try, worth the time!
Now i got a FUCKIN hella ideas for a mechanicus themed lewd CYOA!

My birthday:

Not really a big deal, i turn 33, yeah i'm older than some thinked maybe. It's not a so big number, now that i think of it. Even more as i saw that a lot of my other big french lewd artist are 10 or more older than me.
I understand now that i'm just at the begining of my career, and i just hope that i'll find a way to make it last.
Whatever happen folks, you've been here at the begining to support me, and if i succeed and become one of those famous lewd maker, well, will be your fault folks!
If i fail... will be your fault too! D=< Just kiddin.
Anyway thanks for bein around guys, you're one of the biggest reason i keep at it =)

Anyway see ya soon folks!



Happy Birthday! 40k? my partner paints 40k war-hammer models for frontline. My fav is Nurgle, there just too silly.