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Dudes.. we need to talk!

Like every week ;D


Last week was Meh, didn't did a lot, but .. it's because i forgot it was my mom's birthday (imma bad son) so i bought myself a round trip to her house and back to mine in the same day (6 h train yaaay imma good son!) And that kinda limited how many days i worked XD
So That explained, quid of next week? I'll focus on patreon rewards. Got a comic page i got to do from a long ago, several sketches. And i'll see from that what i do.

R6 siege

If you follow me for some time, you know i like the game, it's like the game i played the most the last 8 month. Started it in summer and got more than 220h on it already D=
And they released an ultra cool CGI thing about this recently. High quality, High intensity, High waify material
Jeez, i know i'm on my way to be known as a Warhammer nsfw maker, but would be that so horrible if i double up and do R6 booty piccs too D=
DAMN those asses are thick! So i decided i'm gonna do some as warm up in the coming weeks. =)

LOT of tabletop

Recently i bought myself Vampire the Masquerade 5th edition; received Pathfinder 2nd Edition, and received yesterday the reboot of the Vermine 2047 tabletop, that was one of my fav tabletop of the early 2000 that just reborn from it ashes.
So i'm extra poor, and i got more than 1000 pages of rules/lore/illustration to roam around! Lot of time of fun!
Wich one i'll start with? Vaampire indeed! When they learned i bought it, almost all my geek friends were like "ah cool..... master it D=< "
Aaaaand i kinda love the direction they took, lore and rule wise so far. Impatient to finish it and start ploting ;D

And that's about it, thanks for the support again ghuys!

Remember if you're a patreon with active pledge to come to the discord time to time, we share, speak and have fun with the lil community there =3

thanks again, and see ya next week!



They have a 5th edition of Vampier Vampire the Masquerade!? I usually just play 5e D&D mostly home-brew stuff I love the character options you can build in pathfinder but the math and combat system is to much for me to handle in game lol.


Yeah! And it's super nice (the new vampire)! It's the following, the Gehenna started but, as they say, it's a vampire end of time.. so.. it might at least take literraly Hundreds of years to just wake for good. On the same time CIA/fbi and all agency started to track vampire. So Sabbat is dead, Camarilla is crumbling, Anarch are quite powerfull, and there's so many thin blood they're becoming and official clan in some cities. The empahsis on the struggle to try to stay human never been so big. they lighten a lot the combat stuff and all and put it all on the "try not to become a beast" part


hmm sounds intriguing.