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BONG! new weekly talk


Rhaaa, i really tough that i could finish the two pages before the end of the day, but i doubt that i would be able to finish the line of page 2 in time. Page one just need some B/W effect to be done, so shouldn't take more than tomorow (i hope) to finish those two pages. But in the end this comics entrance been more complicated to draw that what i initialy planned.
Well at least it's soon to be done. Then what next? One page commission comics is to come, i'll try to finish it before the end of the week end.
And after this one, time for the Tyranids to continue their ploting with Sister Jeanne. I Highly doubt that exept of those two project, and maybe some warm up, i'll be able to do much more this week. But well, ll mean (if i succeed), 3 pages of comics, not like if i was sleeping on my past succes right?

Warm up;

Before i used to open a thread each month so people could lend ideas. Not the type like a request or a commission, could be pictures of some characters, ideas of quick stuff to sketch etc etc, the type of things i could draw as warm up before a day of work. Recently i tough about restarting, but told myself "you do this weekly talk each week, better giving it a use!"
So now (i'll repeat it each week) if you wanna drop ideas/images/ref of chars and stuff, it might give me some ideas for the future warms up. Just, try to avoid OC and complex stuff, the OC because, well i would just do exercice, and won(t care about your char universe/story/background etc etc, and i prefer not to have to deal with someone un happy of how i handled his char. And the second cause, i rarely spend more than 40 minute on a warm up, so complew stuff won't do it.
That said, don't hesitate to drop some stuff, if you wanna.


Recently i received a massive payment for a commission that ll come soon, so i could gift myself something i wanted for long, Tropico 6. I played it a bit, and i kinda miss the whole campaign mode that was before. Then you had an island, then switched 4 or 5 times, and then get back to the first, at the point you had dropped them, sometimes to change it all. "AH you had made a Tourist paradise? Now turn this Island in the center of a powerfull industry!"
Tough, it's still a fun game, they made some adds that are cool, and it's still a pleasure to play a benevolent ruler that never send opponents into dungeons to be tortured for days, before executing all their relatives! NEVER!

Anyway, not much to say for this week, thanks again for your continue support, and see you soon!


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