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Two news, first i'm sick as hell, a friend tough it would be a nice gift for the new year to give me his desease (how nice from him!).

Second i'm still working, but honnestly i'm slow as shit as i do lot of mistake due to lack of energy/concentration, but i didn't wanted to let you all down.

Then as i was talking with some of you on the discord i tough that lot of you never maybe saw or read some of my more oldest work (like the ones from 2013) so Here is a cover from one of my longest OLDEST comics, and bellow as attached piece, you'll find Older comics of mine!

Sherly comics: A furry one, various sex scene, bit of silly humor. The point was the initial commissioner "sold" part of the comics to others to reduce the cost and everyone had the right to one page of fuckery

Besped comics: Another furry comics, featuring one OC of mine in furry mode

Halloween comics: First comics in YEARS, was in 2017 and a comics about mavis! Loved making this one, tough lot of time to a following, but no idea was as funny as this first one. I still like the outfit i gave her then tough, maybe would i redrew her this way in the future




I remember Sherly's one, I even wonder if it's not this one who brought me to your FA ^^'