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Aaand a new Weekly talk coming out! All for you folks!


I won't lie, i didn't worked as much as i expected last week, and it's 100% because i get myself sucked on playin Phoenix Point.
Even with so many hours i stil didn't finished the game yet D=
It's quite massive honnestly, even if i feel i'm getting closer to the end now.
Anyway, i finished part of what i wanted, but i expected to finish more. So this week what to expect? First another pic of 40k luv, sketch is done, need to clean up a bit and color. It ll be the first part of a new commissioned series! =)
Then i'll (at last) work on takan twin comics p4, and maybe do one or two more commission. Next CYOA ll be done next week, with the special christmas pic
Anyway, long road ahead, let's embark on the boobyTrain

Movies that made us:

If you follow me for some time, you maybe know that i'm a huge cinephile. And that i love to read and watch stuff about cinema as much maybe as i love a good movie; so i was kinda happy with this documentary serie "Movies that made us".
It's kinda short, but really interesting. Each time they take a movie that is a massive culture part of that time (like dirty dancing or Die Hard) and explain the problems that made it almost not being made, etc etc. It's quite cool, and incorporate a lot of interview by staff and actors of the movies.
They also made a serie of documentary about toys, that i might take a look at to.

Next monthly pic and talky talking:

Next one i'm gonna work on is a pic for Gothy and Nerdy, i already got the idea, won't be a real comics, more a two panel things, but i think that would be sexy And funny.
It's fun to see that my 3 principal trait as a drawer are Porn, Horror and Humor. I like to draw scary or gross looking monsters in horrific settings, but as i love to pun a good pun or somethign that ll bring a smile while someone fap to my stuff.
That explain certainly why i do so much warhammer.. The universe is kinda cheesy as fuck, and you can draw really stupid looking stuff in it, but also some horific vibes. And there's a porn god, so, the third wheel of my Lewd machine is set up naturaly in!
All to say, seems lot of you guys get sucked in by my warhammer stuff, so there's big chance i get back to it soon (well i already spit the bean about a new commish series being started already...)

Anyway, thanks for reading again

C ya soon!


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