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Hello, yes it's 47!

So what new?


I took more time than expected on the two pages of the Sister Jeanne comics ending, but i think you guys enjoyed it, so it must be ok. Also i ll finish the Rowena pic later, the client decided he didn't care anymore and i had other  clients waiting, so i worked on them =)
This week, i'll work on the pokegirl pic color, Maybe do one of the Rowena pic left, another commission and finaly starting to work on next page of TakanTwins comics (this one ll involve an amputee cyborg girl and tentacles =D)


The next CYOA vote is almost done, it's close but i don't think we ll see more Warhammer this time, as most people prefer the Slapstick comedy and tentacles of a Pirate adventure.
For those fans of W40k pic, don't go, i got a project of sketch series commissioned by one of you, involving a lot of Sister of battles and some dirty Xenos ;D
Well it could still change tough, we ll see in 12 hours. I think i might attack it next week. I still dunno if i do it in color or in sepia. Maybe more the second, would take way less time to do, and give me more time to work on the number of page.
First episode ll be more setting the pace, but Lewds ll come right at the second episode, like real lewd, not just a pair of tits jiggling in the corner of the picture. I'll certainly use friends OC and refs in the comic, so if you got OC of your own you want to propose drop me a link with a ref. I might use it if i need it or find a role for it =D


Finished Dead in Vinland lately. Liked the game, but in the end it involve a lot of combat, and as i said before, the whole combat game mechanic is really not the best part of the game.
I'm  mostly waiting for the Phoenix Point game, that land next week. I hope to make some bucks so i can buy it till then XD. For those who dunno it, it's a sort of Xcom game, understand you manage a base/organisation, and when combat happen, you use a team of agent in turn based mechanic. If they die, they're dead for good, and you must recruit a new one.
The Phoenix Point game involve a lot of Lovecraftian type monster. I'm sure i might propose some dirty things based on it D=

And that's about it! 

Thanks again for your support guys! 

Means a lot =D


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