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Heya! i'm here people for a new summary


The cyoa is on the way. it's just i struggled with the form, but i finally decided myself, so i should start to draw it soon. Expect it in the coming weeks.
It would be a bit sktechy in quality, but be more also than just a couple images and text, so i hope you'll excuse me

Commissioned works:

So, i'll continue the rowena serie, there's still 6 more draw to do in this series (or 5 , not sure). And on the side i'll start the comics for TakanTwins. Once again most of those two series would be against most of patreon limitation, i think, i mean, right now i suspect that anything involving sex is out of the line, honnestly, so i prefer put everything on the dropbox X). Maybe i'm wrong, but at least i'm safe to keep it. Once i finish those two i'll reopen for commission, so get to me then, if you're interested for one!


Recently i restarted to play some series i loved, Xcom. I kinda hope they'll do a following, but well, the two get out like 4 years ago now, dunno how long they ll take. But we can still have some.; Surprise!

That's kinda all.


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