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Hi here another weekly talk!

There was a time when i did those the monday of each week. 

now it's more like "Oh shit we're friday?"

But i didn't missed one so far, so ... it's ok i guess



I got a couple of simple drawing commission i ll do, by simple drawing i mean, a character, no background; the type of stuff that don't ask you one week, and make your computer howl as it die from the weight of  photoshop.
Then i'll attack the CYOA following, rough a 5 page comics commission, and attack the monthly pic of May, Featuring not one, but TWO Indriya into a cute selffucking pic!
That's at least how i plan it D=
Also, i recently got some more 40k commission, so expect even more Emperor's gals in peril situation in a close future!


Those who talk to me know that i love tabletop RPG; been playin some recently, and we just finished a campaign on it. Not Heroic fantasy or sf one, was on  the game Monster High. It's a sort of BitLit and other monster movie/serial type of game. It's kinda funny. We started with a feeling a bit of the New adventure of Sabrina type, and ended with a Buffy the vampire slayer vibe at the end of it.
We already decided to go back to a "season2". 

Video Games:

I get back to play at fallout shelter, this time on pc. i used to play it on phone. I was really pissed off to learn that bethesda made a recent update, seems only to cancel all olders mods made by the community. No Nude mod then for me D=
Sad story indeed!

It's kinda all, yes my week been short, but the comics took a lot of time, and i just wanted to work on smaller stuff after.

C ya soon!


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