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Aaaand.. it's me or i missed the weekly talk again? X)

Work news

So what's new? i'm working on comics! I'm right now doing a 3 page comics, as commission. After i'll have another 3 page comics, a 4 page for a patreon reward LONG DUE, and a 1 page comics stand alone as commission... Been long since i did comics as commission, so i was kinda letting some of the things rot X), it's time to get back to business!
Anyway some of the coming pages should be against patreon policy, maybe, not sure, it's SO VAGUE. So to be sure to avoid problem, i'll open a dropbox when i start each of the pages, and send you all a message, and drop each page finished into the specific Dropbox. This way, no problem i guess.


We re.; totally out of the deadline XD. To be honest, we saw it coming like 2 weeks before, and we knew it woould happen, so i guess, if you know already you'll fail, it's only a half fail? We re still on the track at least, and i still got time to do those background, just hope it ll be fine

Video Games:

This days i'm playin at Kingmaker, again, the RPG. Since last year they patched almost all bug, and added a tons of new event. So it's a pleasure to get back on it, and to not have to reload and loose 6 h of game because a npc decided his trigger zone is there only the monday from 2am to 4 pm, and that you loosed it =D
Restarted some good ol borderlands 2 with buddies too. The pleasure of looting colorfull guns and doing tons of damage never gets old!

That's quite all in my super original and interesting life. Again, thanks for the support folks! and C ya soon!


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