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SHIT forgot it was yesterday D=


Am i a joke?

 Anyway, what is new?



I'm tryin different technique of sketchin recently, some take me moar time than before, but it's also because i'm new to it. Could also talk to some artist i like for a long time, and exchange some tips and advice, and , i dunno if it ll change anything, but it was cool. I 'm finishing the commission in late recently, because.. well i'm in need of financial arrival after the month of March and early april without so much work from my part. I just reopenned the queue for commission btw, don't hesitate to contact me, Patreon always get first ;D  

Video games:

Again i get back to play at my favorite game, Stellaris. I can spend countless hours into this one, building spacial empire, tryin new build, using mods, stuff like that. It's also a video game of the chill. It's a 4x, can be quite slow depending of the speed setting you choose, so it s a nice game to put while you're watching a movie, or just try to chill out.

So it's all, i worked, played a bit some game, not a super busy or impressive week. Thanks to all the new people around! +9 since the beginning of the month, it's quite impressive!

Stay tuned for more!

C ya


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