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And here is a new (and almost late) weekly talk !

So, first, hello to every of our new friends that joined us in the coming month!


As you can see, i took out the fingers of my bum, and resumed to a more healthy and regular working  habit. I'm right now doing a full color, that you'll see, i hope, tonight. And i'll start to sketch the new adventure of our new eldar vict.. friend, once i've done it.

Coming this week, the first step of a SFW comics page, and maybe a new sketch series from pantboy (yay i know, but i got 2 in  motion already, so expect more to come soon!). My IRL friend noticed me he won't see me before two weeks, so i'll maybe pause the SFW sketch i shown on the discord for this week and resume next.


I've finished the assassin's creed odyssey... but like, really. i mean, except DLC and a lot of the random event and side quest i did all the major event, hunted all the 43 hidden Mutafukaz, fucked my way around all greek world, finished the main quest, and exept ONE character, get all the major chars alive to the end!
And i liked it. I mean, been a fan from the beginning, of the series, and been quite demotivated by the French revolution one and the ones after. Sooo i'm quite happy with this one. Seems the series goes in the right direction for me with the new dialogue system, all new mechanics. I mean, there's a lot of polishing, and OH GOSH, some of the hidden boss were pain in the ass (I talk of you gorgone, Not funny, cause.. WAY TOO EZ and lame, take 20 minutes to kill, but not once i felt in danger)
Soo i wait for the next one. Was so far, my favorite since the 2.
So now, i think i'll try to finish (again) persona 5.. And if i do, means i'll propose more of those waifu's choice in monthly choices D=


I paused the pirate one, the time i think of how get it back in more health. I think of a page per month maybe, With a CYOA vote between all of them. More suitable. But then should i restart from zero the adventure? That's something i must question.
Till i do, i'll do as i proposed here. Smaller and quicker CYOA. With a limited number of episode. This way i know where i go, more, and i know when it ll end, and it should go against my usual "oh lame to work on that again" effect.

Other not interesting news

Appart from that, i'll go to see the new hellboy movie wednesday, i kinda want to give it it chance. i mean, yes, it means Guillermo Del Toro won't be able to finish his vision of it. But it's not the fault of the team that brought this movie. And Mike Mignolia said he liked it.. so why not? I've been a HUGE fan of hellboy, mostly because of the graphic style of Mignola, so maybe a hellgirl pin up if the movie please me? D=>

That's all folks! Sorry for the lame talk again, it's kinda my way to tell someone my not interesting life, but, if some of you take the time to read it, i guess it's not so boring in the end!

C ya soon!


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