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Oh shit, 12 already?

Time fly guys!

and i almost miss today's one! XD

So what new?

Commission :

Working on different commission and reopening them alreayd, if you wanna come and message me about a project, feel lfree to start now boys =)

Less draw recently:

As i told you i started working on a video games, and i was late, so i spend extra time working on the scenario for the game last week, and it kinda took me some times. Soon i'll pass it to Scorp and Studiopirate to tell me if it's ok, and if it is start working on the background. We decided that we want the first demo availlable for September, soo gonna need to move my ass! D:<
Anyway i'll try to make a better scheldule for me and draw more! D=


I play a fuckin lot of APEX LEGEND recently, waaaaay too much than i should in truth


if you wanna play my origin account is Darkminou


Talked a bit with Indriya, my french friend streamer girl, and she ll for sure be on next month vote.

Maybe a Indri Catgirl+futanari selfcest fucking a Indriya in her cute and sexy stewardess lingerie (put link for her on both) Tell me about it ;D

Aaand it's all, sorry i almost missed it this week XD. Was busy drawing! ll post the draw soon after this message

C ya!


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