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Ay di ho! i'm a bit late, sorry i had no time for nothing today in the end, so i'll drop here this weekly talk now that i can finally SIT

Game :

The game scenario advance, we finally decided a certain form of gameplay, One that would include lewd action Into the mechanic, and not just as a gimmick. Now that it's done, and we know the tool the player can use to solve the riddle and puzzle, it's easyer to think the sequence of them and so prepare the pannels that ll serve as background!
Sooooo not so far from last week state, but in the same time we all had busy week (one became father, i had to deal with a fuckin lot of administrative things, and the last was in travel). More news soon (yay i'm a slow ridder)


Recently i felt the urge to sketch more in traditional. For two reason, first because i missed the feel of paper under my finger as i sketch.
Second is that i travel a bit more recently, and i m far away from home more often, sooo it's easyer to sketch. I forget my sketchbook at a friend house, ll scan some of the last i did last week end when i get it back this week end.

Cause yes i digged out of under my bed my lost scanner!

Pub art:

A friend of mine, is opening a Pub, irl in France. it'll be more like a modern Tavern. Soon he will open a kickstarter. The idea is, he and his partner got a base money, but with a founded kickstarter it would give enough found to show the bank people are interested!

What is interesting in this? Just that if it work i'll be one of the Goals! To be more precise, he asked me to make the drawing for the Menu, the cards, and certainly other goodies and visuals for the Tavern. I'll tell you when the kickstarter open!

LATE again:

I dunno if i should give myself less stressing deadline for commission, cause i'm Late again. Damn i suck for planning those. I'm never on date, or 2 week early, or 2 week late, often a mix of the two.

Well i guess that if i don't take 2 years to drop a Picture it's ok? just to say patience to the draw reward, i'm coming at it!

IT s all folks! I see you soon

Lot of love!

C ya soon


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