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So was my birthday this sunday, and we had a sort of surprise lil party with 2 friends, and it was fun!

But the hangover forbad me to draw most of the day XD
Not cool! i'll have to sketch tonight

So anyway what's new:


The scenario advance, we took some decision about how the gameplay ll go, and i started writting the first enigma sequence, i think i'll start the sketch in one of two week. Studio Pirrate, whom i make the game with (and with Scorp too indeed) just had his firstborn! So he won't be able to work on it for a couple of month. but he had taken some advance, so for now it's just for me to step back and work my ass off


I recently find a story i kinda like a lot, by MePenName3000. it's a basic MindContol story, but there's a twist. instead of a male or femal protagonist, using Mind control to bend people to have sex and become sex slave. This one is about a young submissive girl, that use her power to be sure her crush and closest relatives become harsh dominant on her, insted of being nice and caring.
I find the concept quite appealing, and, i know i got a CYOA to continue XD, but.. i think about maybe writte on my side and for me something about it. Cause i find it QUITE HOT

Vermintide 2:

Vermintide2 + beastmen futur DLC = more Kerilian Porn incoming!

Sister Jeanne:

I ll continue to propose monthly opportunity to work on Sister Jeanne porn each month. I think you guys really like her a lot. And i ll use her for various fetichism in the future, that i wanted to try but never took time for so far.
Don't hesitate to MP me if you have concept for future pictures. If i like them it could be in the next monthl choice!

That's all! thanks for your patreonnage again! You guys are the best!



Now Im curious about this story